record sucks

to each its own i personally love record i'm satisfied with my purchase.

That's pretty much the bottom line. Some people will absolutely love Record, and others won't have a need for it at all.

It is what it is.
I never said it would be industry standard but I know it will be taught in school, with Reason because Reason is being taught in schools.

cubase, logic, pro tools are taught in schools too...

what is your point?

Another thing, I don't use nor plan to get Kontakt.

kontact is just one example of a vsti that uses large sample libraries. there are other vsti that use large sample libraries that you may use that can utilitize that 12 GB of ram in your mac pro. as it is you are wasting allot of that power in that mac pro...

I am not getting a client soundcard because I don't need the midi out.

i bet your sound card is multi client if it has more than 2 audio outs...

do you know what multi client means?

able to use two or more audio apps with one soundcard...

I feel very comfortable with how I make my tracks, didn't need midi out and don't need it now, so I won't cry over it. I like the way I will hook mines up.

the only problem you have is when you start talking about specs and how Record will utilitize your mac pro 12 gb with 8 cores...

it like you do not understand the specs and then come to the forum with allot of mis-information...

if Record works for you great. if you do not need midi out great. if you do not plan on buying kontakt great...

all i am asking for is get the facts correct...

you would state something like:

"when i get Record is it going to use the 12 GB of ram in my mac pro. do you know how many nn-xt i will able to use?"

that is incorrect...

there is a limit depending on which OS you a working with...

do not try to make a product into something its not...

again, i am sure Record is a great program but not for everyone...

like Deranged said, why throw the cubase (which i own since ver 1.7) and ableton live (which i own since ver 4) plus the upgrades away for an app that has 1/5 of the features?

if 1 + 1 = 2 then that does not make any sense at all...
Its funny how everyone cares about CPU load when they can go and buy a quadcore cpu for only $ 200 and run a real sequncer like Reaper with all the vsts you can imagine. SSL is just a marketing strategy. I bet that 90% of this forum don't even know how an SSL board sounds. There are preamps and vsts that kick the **** out of a SSL board. Some of you think that when you run your music through a SSL board it gets automatically mixed and mastered lmao
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Its funny how everyone cares about CPU load when they can go and buy a quadcore cpu for only $ 200 and run a real sequncer like Reaper with all the vsts you can imagine. SSL is just a marketing strategy. I bet that 90% of this forum don't even know how an SSL board sounds. There are preamps and vsts that kick the **** out of a SSL board. Some of you think that when you run your music through a SSL board it gets automatically mixed and mastered lmao

Good post. I think that Neve may actually have a bigger reputation for big analog sound than SSL anyway.
cubase, logic, pro tools are taught in schools too...

what is your point?

kontact is just one example of a vsti that uses large sample libraries. there are other vsti that use large sample libraries that you may use that can utilitize that 12 GB of ram in your mac pro. as it is you are wasting allot of that power in that mac pro...

i bet your sound card is multi client if it has more than 2 audio outs...

do you know what multi client means?

able to use two or more audio apps with one soundcard...

the only problem you have is when you start talking about specs and how Record will utilitize your mac pro 12 gb with 8 cores...

it like you do not understand the specs and then come to the forum with allot of mis-information...

if Record works for you great. if you do not need midi out great. if you do not plan on buying kontakt great...

all i am asking for is get the facts correct...

you would state something like:

"when i get Record is it going to use the 12 GB of ram in my mac pro. do you know how many nn-xt i will able to use?"

that is incorrect...

there is a limit depending on which OS you a working with...

do not try to make a product into something its not...

again, i am sure Record is a great program but not for everyone...

like Deranged said, why throw the cubase (which i own since ver 1.7) and ableton live (which i own since ver 4) plus the upgrades away for an app that has 1/5 of the features?

if 1 + 1 = 2 then that does not make any sense at all...

Ummmmmm duh yeah I know what multi client is. Um duh, I think you're incorrect in me not being able to use 12gig bite of my Mac, this is not Protools where we are limited to only 4. At the end of the day I know what I am doing, I know how to make music, I am doing it and know how to mix. So that's MY POINT! I HAVE MY FACTS CORRECT THAT'S WHY I AM DOING MY THING WITH IT AND WITH MY MUSIC. Are there any more points you need to express?
Well I know how to work an SSL board and preamps that works with it in the major studios, plus I know how to operate the Digidesign Icon, and some other thangs too. now dudes are acting like they know a person personally now. Dudes talking a lot of crap but I ask, HOW DO YOUR MUSIC SOUND? What are you doing? I can back my ish up if need be! don't take it personal we just talking but if dudes wanna be sarcastic about what people know and what they don't well I can prove my ish WITHOUT DOUBT! I will cut all that other nonsense down when it comes to WHAT YOU BANGING OUT! How the hell you going to run your stuff through and SSL board and expect it to mix it for you!
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it makes me no differents if you are the next stevie wonder or quincy jones or prince...


what does this statement mean?

Why are you using rewire? When you can bounce each individual track from beginning to end then bring them up into Protools. That's how I do it. I never used Rewire, it's to dam complicated and this works in seconds no real time crap.

if you have all that experience, what would make you make this statement...
it makes me no differents if you are the next stevie wonder or quincy jones or prince...


what does this statement mean?

if you have all that experience, what would make you make this statement...

Because I don't have to use rewire lol I mean really what is that proving? I mean what's your point ? lol I have a faster and better route, and again what's your point? Are you trying to say my bouncing method don't work? I mean what are you saying?

If you don't want Record ok, there are US THAT DO, and have it and love it. use what you use. I already said, I hope cats don't buy it. Don't get it, no need to get into arguments. I know what time it is!

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Because I don't have to use rewire lol I mean really what is that proving? I mean what's your point ? lol I have a faster and better route, and again what's your point? Are you trying to say my bouncing method don't work? I mean what are you saying?

i am not saying anything...

i was just asking...

you got it man...

there are some of us who thinks the shortest distance between two points is a straight line too...

Well I am one of those guys! :)

For the most part Record doesn't suck, the thread starter just didn't know what he was doing. So if one doesn't know what he is doing, that doesn't mean the program suck. For I know how to work it and it's amazing, see the two points?
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i am just asking...


how are you going to incorporate omnisphere with record?

Ummm we cool but bruh I am not about to hand that secret out lol hahahah can't do it. I am one of those wild tech musical heads that sit and think and try thangs out. I will help out now and then but when I find out certain thangs, I am not telling, my bad I shouldn't have even typed that out there like that. dudes are hitting me up behind the scenes and I don't mind sharing where to get certain thangs, or how something work, but with my lil tricks Ima keep that to my self :)
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Who said Line 6 was making the controller for Record? I don't feel like going back to the post to look for it.
Ummm we cool but bruh I am not about to hand that secret out lol hahahah can't do it. I am one of those wild tech musical heads that sit and think and try thangs out. I will help out now and then but when I find out certain thangs, I am not telling, my bad I shouldn't have even typed that out there like that. dudes are hitting me up behind the scenes and I don't mind sharing where to get certain thangs, or how something work, but with my lil tricks Ima keep that to my self :)


that sounds like some Harry Houdini sh!t right there...

you got it bro!!!
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that sounds like some Harry Houdini sh!t right there...

you got it bro!!!

Oh yeah, it is lol My boy was like WTF! lol hahah:bigeyes:

He keeps calling me a grown azz nerd lol I told him if he keeps calling me that I won't let him on the other finds lol he said ok man lol hahah Omnisphere and syleth is so dam dope it's ridiculous, I am about to get on my pop reign right now, dealing with my publishing company.

I will tell you this, if you got Reason 4.0 there is a refill that's called "5005 synths and 222 effects " <---google that, YOU GET 5005 SYNTHS, THAT'S BANANAS! That goes into the RV7000 and if you know how to work that RV7000 you know that's the illest reverb in Reason. Those 222effects are from M6000 TC, H3000 Eventide and PCM90 and another one I can't remember, but yo they got some tight arse joints in it and it just takes the RV7000 to another level. I don't even know if I will ever cut my MPC on again lol hahahaha ctfu
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I can think of one way. I have two soundcards on my pc. All I would have to do is simply open Omnisphere in another program which is assigned to soundcard 2, and then wire it to the soundcard in that Record is running on.

In a way, I do that type of thing already. In Live, I have Sound Forge set up as my audio editor. When I want to edit something in Live with Sound Forge, I open it right in Live, but actually Sound Forge uses my Mbox as a sound card, while Live runs on my Motif.

It's not really Houdini sh!t at all.

The only problem would be syncing the midi clocks, but that's not really a problem.
I can think of one way. I have two soundcards on my pc. All I would have to do is simply open Omnisphere in another program which is assigned to soundcard 2, and then wire it to the soundcard in that Record is running on.

In a way, I do that type of thing already. In Live, I have Sound Forge set up as my audio editor. When I want to edit something in Live with Sound Forge, I open it right in Live, but actually Sound Forge uses my Mbox as a sound card, while Live runs on my Motif.

It's not really Houdini sh!t at all.

The only problem would be syncing the midi clocks, but that's not really a problem.

That sounds like a master plan ^5 youre right that would be a syncing problem. BUT I GOT THAT SOLVED. Again, I don't use rewire at all. Don't need to. I guess Record saw all the talk about bouncing which I figured out in the Beginning and they have incorporated that in Record and it works, great. it's a little faster, i don't know how they did it but a 4 minute song will get bounced as a stereo track in less than 3 seconds that's crazy! An entire track done individually to bounce to protools would take under 40 seconds! I am going to do a vid on it, just give me time, I still haven't found a good camcorder that use and show you guys how easy and fast it is, I will have to narrate it also.
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