Sampling is Outdated???

Xabiton said:
its just a change of the times. sampling comes in and out. remember when swiss beats first came out everyone threw out their samplers and started buying Trinitys then when The Blueprint came out everyone started sampling again and then when storch started doin it big they came back with the keyboards basically its just trends like anything else. right now i prefer to make my own instruments with samples to get the sound of sampling but the ease of clearance.

And Swizz likes to throw samples in his "original" compositions.

Every major producer has sampled, extensively.

That list includes:

Dr Dre
Swizz Beats (even "Upgrade U" was a sample)

and alot of other guys you hail as just "composers"
R.Jaye said:
oh my Jesus.

Now we're having a conversation about how I'm unsatisfied with a 3 key melody and an 808 kit.

Aight ladies and gentlemen, excuse my insensitivity to all of the "producers" I've insulted who pattern thier work after Laffy Taffy.

Excuse my "short-sightedness" not to see the beauty of the artfully crafted single "splash of paint" accross a canvas.

Also, excuse this thought...You ever think someone out there may be taking advantage of your diplomacy and politically correctness? Particularly that they can piece anything together with little skill or dedication and know someone will defend it as Art.
i would hope nobody here is truely offended or unsatisfied with what ur saying here its simply a discussion and differing opinions. nothing wrong with what u said if thats how u feel i just disagree a composition doesnt have to be elaborate to be a composition

Project Girl said:
I understand what you're saying Xabiton, but I disagree. Because who gets to say what's good music and what's bad music? There's nobody who has that authority. Some will say that academics, people with advanced degrees in music, get to decide, but I reject that, as would a lot of people, I suspect. And if a lot of people reject them as authorities on the subject, then they really *aren't* authorities on the subject. So who could possibly say, who could be that authority?

As to what is universally "good music" and what is "bad music", it just has to be a matter of personal taste. It can't possibly be anything else..

thats very practical i can understand that. i guess when i make music i always gear my music to people who dont make know much about or understand music they just like what sounds good aka fans. if enough fans like my music its good music but even thats suspect. Britney Spears sold over 10 million records and I dont enjoy most of her music. THo I will admit that I Slave For You, Sometimes, and Toxic are the ****

Infamous ICU said:
If you sample well you can do the same.... It just depends how you make it your own..
if u read past the first page u will see ive been making this point time and time again

HeIsTruth said:
And Swizz likes to throw samples in his "original" compositions.

Every major producer has sampled, extensively.

That list includes:

Dr Dre
Swizz Beats (even "Upgrade U" was a sample)

and alot of other guys you hail as just "composers"
I am aware of this. I never said he doesnt sample what I said is when Swizzy first dropped ie Ruff Ryders, Flesh of my flesh, love is blind ect he wasnt sampling much he was all over his keys its whats known as an example Swizz nowadays samples quite often tho I do believe upgrade u was him sampling his fantom into his mpc i can be wrong tho
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R.Jaye said:
Aight ladies and gentlemen, excuse my insensitivity to all of the "producers" I've insulted who pattern thier work after Laffy Taffy.

Excuse my "short-sightedness" not to see the beauty of the artfully crafted single "splash of paint" accross a canvas.

Also, excuse this thought...You ever think someone out there may be taking advantage of your diplomacy and politically correctness? Particularly that they can piece anything together with little skill or dedication and know someone will defend it as Art.

I don't think anybody here who is using a broader definition (than yours) of "composing" is doing it to be diplomatic. I'm doing it to be accurate.

My definition of composing includes producing Laffy Taffy because it has melody, harmony, rhythm and lyrics. Apparently it's "music". To me, the song is pathetic, but I can't see any excuse for saying that it's not music, or that putting it together was not composing.


Xabiton said:
... i guess when i make music i always gear my music to ... fans. if enough fans like my music its good music but even thats suspect. Britney Spears sold over 10 million records...

See? You can't use "a lot of people like it" as the criteria for "good music"..

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R.Jaye, in a perfect world, I would agree with you, but at the same time, look at it as a win lose situation, you have to either agree all art is in the eye of the beholder, or you have to agree there's a template to it all. I can't agree to there being a template, but in my opinion 3 note 808 beats suck. Still gotta respect others "art"....

I wasn't trying to rag on ya in any way.
Project Girl > R. Jaye

If you look through all 5 pages of this thread, it is amazing how easily the sides come out: people with any type of musical training, and/or extensive industry experience, all are on the same page, so to speak. I'm with them.
deRaNged 4 Phuk'dup said:
... you have to either agree all art is in the eye of the beholder, or you have to agree there's a template to it all. I can't agree to there being a template, but in my opinion 3 note 808 beats suck. Still gotta respect others "art"....
Gotta give that respect, I think. If somebody puts out something that they, and some fans, consider art, what business is it of mine to judge it?

But I *can* say, "I don't like that music, I think it's unimaginitive, the lyrics are dumb and negative, the chord progression is awkward and boring and that percussion part sounds stiff and fake" or whatever.

Have your opinion - but always be respectful, remembering that people *love* their music, it's important to them, and that it's literally impossible to define "art".


MadTiger3000 said:
Project Girl > R. Jaye

If you look through all 5 pages of this thread, it is amazing how easily the sides come out: people with any type of musical training, and/or extensive industry experience, all are on the same page, so to speak. I'm with them.
What page are we all on? :D

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Xabiton said:
lol pretty much this is page 2 for me
I didn't mean that! [throws something :-D]

Was just not sure what that unified point of view was..:confused:

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JiggSaw said:
That's the problem. People focusing on money so much is taking away from the art.
i dont kno where yall stay at but my equipment cost me money i got most of my vst's for christmas lol and my birthday
Respect? I truly believe in it. I should "respect" everyone's effort no matter how little? Can't agree with that.

Let be put it this way, "Art" is subjective. To each his own, whateva.

However, craftsmanship is a whole 'nother convo.

Anyone familiar with the AMG brand name? Forget the car its in, because if you try and buy either separate, the engine is $20k more than the car! Why is that? 400hp? 600ftlbs torque? Marquee?

None of the above. A tweaked hemi could murder those stats.

Its value is determined because it is one of the handful of production cars with a HANDBUILT engine. Every engine is stamped with the signature and name of the ONE MAN who built it.

Thier motto, One Man, One Machine.

How does this relate to music? I cant respect lack of craftsmanship. Just cant bend my mind to do that.

I dont flynch when I see a Maserati, but I get rock when I spot an E63 or E55!

How do I judge? Doesnt matter the beat, I nodded my head to "Snap Ya Fingaz" until it got old. However, I'm a producer! I've caught myself nodding to a clock tick lol!
but I guarentee you more "art" went into making that damn clock than laffy taffy.

when the novelty wears off, whats left? a room full of one-hit wonders and a "where are they now" special.
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like i say sampling is cool to me, its fun. it's also a way to add sounds to a workstation. now my answer has always been that i'll eventually learn to play guitar and or bass. to me nothing sounds better then the real instrument. but yeah sampling will never die tho.
Back on Topic

Sampling is Evolving, far from dying.

Its become more transparent (as evident with some of the replies to the original post) with the use of tritons, fantoms, vsts; ect.

I've also noticed that the sample based producers are evolving as well. There's a huge leap in quality between certain producers even on FP, many have even evolved from track to track.

It just seems to keep growing and developing into a more precise talent and skill.

No death in sight!
R.Jaye said:
Respect? I truly believe in it. I should "respect" everyone's effort no matter how little? Can't agree with that.

Let be put it this way, "Art" is subjective. To each his own, whateva.

However, craftsmanship is a whole 'nother convo.

Anyone familiar with the AMG brand name? Forget the car its in, because if you try and buy either separate, the engine is $20k more than the car! Why is that? 400hp? 600ftlbs torque? Marquee?

None of the above. A tweaked hemi could murder those stats.

Its value is determined because it is one of the handful of production cars with a HANDBUILT engine. Every engine is stamped with the signature and name of the ONE MAN who built it.

Thier motto, One Man, One Machine.

How does this relate to music? I cant respect lack of craftsmanship. Just cant bend my mind to do that.

I dont flynch when I see a Maserati, but I get rock when I spot an E63 or E55!

How do I judge? Doesnt matter the beat, I nodded my head to "Snap Ya Fingaz" until it got old. However, I'm a producer! I've caught myself nodding to a clock tick lol!
but I guarentee you more "art" went into making that damn clock than laffy taffy.

when the novelty wears off, whats left? a room full of one-hit wonders and a "where are they now" special.
That's the problem, people judge by their opinion. Apparently when Laffy Taffy was made, something was done right. They invented a sub-genre for crying out loud(snap music). The subs and 808 bang until your heartbeat skips when it comes on in a club, they even had a dance they invented that I still see in videos today. Snap music is still being created, they've left a legacy, but your standards and how you judge music won't alow you to see that.

People gotta stop falling victim to their own opinion. Alot of guys in music who people respect can't say they invented a subgenre, or a dance that is connected to it. I don't gotta like Laffy Taffy to know that's a pretty big move, especially when more established artists(Jazzy Phae, Mannie Fresh, Scott Storch, Lil' Jon, ect.)go on to emulate what you created even if it was just replacing a snare with a snap and putting a slow southern swing on it.
heard someone say something about interpolations sounding keyboardy, well if its composed on strictly a keyboard what do you expect. you can have a session band and do a interpolation then sample that.

of course the sounds in synths are samples, samples of the individual instruments. that can be tweaked to your desire.

also when you don't have the money to clear samples, of course your gonna do all compositions, once you get money then you can pay to clear samples.

like i keep saying nothing sounds as good as the real instrument. you can sample a scratch, or you can actually get a turn table and do your own scratching. you can sample someone elses guitar riff or you can play your own.

most people sample because samples have a distinc sound, that they cant recreate, hell i even heard someone say they sample because the drums are already mastered.
Ok, again. Art is subjective. Fine, no reason to argue that one.

Craftsmanship is not. 808 bangs in the club? Doesnt everything bang in the club? (Isnt that the point),

They invented a sub-genre. So who's to say it isnt just a "fad"?

remember when chicks were on that "arobi-pop" ish when they wore slouch socks and 'tards in thier videos? lol

even whitney houston did it; however nowadays...

Again, as we rush to justify everything's RELATIVE value; don't
you ever feel like you're sometimes stretching it?
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Not when MILLIONS of fans love it. That's about 925,000 more(425,000 if they went gold, know they did one or the other)than who know my sh*t. I can learn from them before they learn from me.

Whos to say EMO, Ska, The British Invasion was or wasn't fads? Everything has "relative value" it's just most people don't try to relate.

I'm smart enough to now I don't know everything. That makes me waaaaay smarter than someone who thinks they have all the answers. Therefore I'm given the power of observation that gives me even more answers than the guy who already got his and refuses to hear any others. Which would make me no better than the guy who already has all the answers, but I'm smart enough to observe his P.O.V. as well and use reasoning in determining my own.

Sounds like rambling, but if more people lived life like this, the cup wouldn't be half full as often.
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deRaNged 4 Phuk'dup said:
... Apparently when Laffy Taffy was made, something was done right...
I understand the point you're making, but I can't see that mass-culture popularity or influence is a basis on which to judge the *quality* of a piece of music, its craftsmanship, as Xabiton says.

Maybe we need to be more specific. Yes, "something was done right" when they made Laffy Taffy - but that "something" wasn't quality music, would you say? That "something" is more like, a slick commerical marketing scheme that worked.

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Verified by the masses? Good point.

I remember something about a bridge and people jumping that says thats not such a good idea.

Project Girl said:
Maybe we need to be more specific. Yes, "something was done right" when they made Laffy Taffy - but that "something" wasn't quality music, would you say? That "something" is more like, a slick commerical marketing scheme that worked.

Woo Lawd Jesus, I think we see the light! :victory:
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