Sampling is Outdated???

Xabiton said:
thanks im glad someone likes was gonna throw it out after i was done playin with the horn the patch it isnt done yet something small i cant put my finger on is missing from what i had in mind. lofi is a fun sound i like it myself todays music is overly sterile imo the only reason i even use 24 bit audio is because the rest of the world is and it doesnt make sense for me to be the one of the few cats not using it

Ok.. I'm listening.. a lot of this sounds carazy to me but I'm listening...! lol :D



VexaDJ said:
Sampling will never die! Why? Becuase it sounds good!

Lo-Fi has always been a staple of music production, ever since guitarists started to overdrive their amps in the 1940s. Listen to almost any hit record and you can hear the saturation, distortion, overdrive and bitcrushing happening.

The piano is one of the instruments that sounds best with a little overdive and crunch. If you wanted to make a piano part sound sampled, simply loop each bar of it, so that instead of being replayed the sound comes across as 'looped' i.e. - repetitive sounding. Samples tend to be 1, 2 or 4 bar loops - and they sound better for it. It's the repetitive nature of a sample that makes it pleasing to the ear....anyway, back to that piano; Apply dirt to your new loop sparingly (vinyl simulation works well for just a little overdrive) and of course a bit of compression.

Finally, chop just the TINIEST bit off the loop (like 1ms) to make it sound as if it was 'forced' into the track. Hey Presto - sampled piano!

Great sampling does not have to involve other people's music....not that there's anything wromg with's just that a sampler is much more than a playback device for old records;)

Thanks, Vex, I appreciate you taking the time. I have to admit that this is still kind of mysterious to me, but I'm thinking about your post! lol... Not the specifically technical part, but the "why" of going for lo-fi sound - that's what I'm trying to get. Anyway, that helped! :D


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No Worries PG, glad to ramble!

It really is the 'looped' nature of the sample that is hardest to get your head around, as to a classically trained pianist, this 'cutting-up' of their skills into a repetive loop does indeed seem like a backwards step!
imo the point of turning something you played yourself into sounding like a sample is because you can get that sampled sound that makes it still popular but w/o having to deal with clearance. this is obviously more important if ur working with major labels but it's still fun to try to trick people into thinking something's a sample.

i used a "fake" sample in this beat. it sounds kinda meh but i played the notes then cut the lows, boosted the mids and added some distortion. then i layered the chops with crackle from vinyl. here's the beat:
Xabiton said:
i personally dont care for many keyboard interpolations it just sounds fake to me. nothing like the sound of real instruments i guess.

Good point. However I actually record most of my own instruments.

No tuba though, lol
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Another thing that's been spoke into the ground on this thread is "clearing samples" furthering what I stated earlier about the art of sampling not getting it's proper dues. What about royalty free sound FX, breakbeats, drumloops, scratches, ect. You can chop up a drum loop and make the kick drop when you want it to, tap in the hihats off an MPC pad. No different than "composing" ecept instead of turning on your triton and going to the "hip hop kit" you load up a royalty free loop and bang out a pattern on pads.

Again, why is one more creative than the other, seems like if you sample right, you're doing everything a keyboardist does plus more....
If sampling was outdated, alchemist would be outdated. Like people said earlier, you gotta flip it right.
deRaNged 4 Phuk'dup said:
Again, why is one more creative than the other, seems like if you sample right, you're doing everything a keyboardist does plus more....

I don't think people quite get that. It took a while before I understood the part that sampling plays, that the samples are materials for creating just like the notes a guitar plays are materials for creating.

It's funny, because even on my weighted-key piano, all of those sounds are samples. It's hard to get away from 'em (not that I want to)..

Still Samplin

Me and my dogs in my production setup are trying to mix both arts (keyboards and sampling) into one.

ALot of hot artist still sample today: Black Milk, Kayne West, DJ premier
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Deranged-I agree, so lets look at both sides shall we?

Many have argued that "sampling" is both mis-labeled and mis understood. Thanks for defining it as something we can agree upon.

So, lets define "Composing". NOTE: COMPOSING IS NOT A 3 NOTE MELODY + THE STANDARD 808 KIT!!!

Had to get that off my chest. :)

Composing is layering appropriate sounds so that they operate harmonically. Note-"In Harmony."

Which side do I represent? My Alesis Fusion has several sets of multi-SAMPLES as well as complete FM, PM and AM Synths. I record my instruments and SAMPLE them into the MPC. My Drumset (DM5) has drum SAMPLES in it and I have anothe 10Gigs of drum SAMPLES in my MP.

I compose a brass section by recording my trumpet, then my trombone, may add a reed instrument to make it smooth like a sax and a violin to add attenuation.

Stack them together as a SAMPLE.

Read my avatar, I'm very much a fan of samples; I just dont have the patience for crate digging! lol
R.Jaye said:
Composing is layering appropriate sounds so that they operate harmonically. Note-"In Harmony."
Composing a piece of music is more than just that, though - there's (supposed to be) melody, harmony, and rhythm..

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Project Girl said:
Composing a piece of music is more than just that, though - there's (supposed to be) melody, harmony, and rhythm..


Of course, however my posts are long enough; wouldnt want to leave my "Composition Thesis" on FP lol
R.Jaye said:
Of course, however my posts are long enough; wouldnt want to leave my "Composition Thesis" on FP lol
Haha.. I believe it. :)

I don't really see why people see a split between "composing" and "sampling" anyway. "Composing" is creating songs. "Sampling" is a technique by which portions of earlier recorded works are used while composing. Some people compose music using samples, some people don't. Isn't that the case?

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Composing is creating a "composition" whether it's 3 notes and an 808, a sample and a drum, or a conducted symphony with a DJ adding scratches(samples). Again, the reason all these FP definitions annoy me is because we all sit up here and try to label art.

Tchaiklovski has piano sonata parts that are composed of 3-5 notes that only last 1min 15 sec. It makes sense to call those "compositions, so why doesn't it make sense to call Lil Jon's "Snap ya Fingas" or Kanye's "thru the wire" the same thing....

Because everyone on FP wants to feel like they have an advantage and what they do is right. Alot of people up here think I'm sooo big headed, but whats funny is I realize every post I make I'm defending something.

If tommorrow's post was playing keyboard is outdated, I'd defend it the same way. You guys gotta learn to respect everyone's art. To some people a picasso's just paint splashed on a canvas, but to others it's worth millions. Who are any of us to judge?
deRaNged 4 Phuk'dup said:
Another thing that's been spoke into the ground on this thread is "clearing samples" furthering what I stated earlier about the art of sampling not getting it's proper dues. What about royalty free sound FX, breakbeats, drumloops, scratches, ect. You can chop up a drum loop and make the kick drop when you want it to, tap in the hihats off an MPC pad. No different than "composing" ecept instead of turning on your triton and going to the "hip hop kit" you load up a royalty free loop and bang out a pattern on pads.

Again, why is one more creative than the other, seems like if you sample right, you're doing everything a keyboardist does plus more....
most people arent going to get this because they are stuck on the concept of looping others music and calling it their own

deRaNged 4 Phuk'dup said:
Composing is creating a "composition" whether it's 3 notes and an 808, a sample and a drum, or a conducted symphony with a DJ adding scratches(samples). Again, the reason all these FP definitions annoy me is because we all sit up here and try to label art.

Tchaiklovski has piano sonata parts that are composed of 3-5 notes that only last 1min 15 sec. It makes sense to call those "compositions, so why doesn't it make sense to call Lil Jon's "Snap ya Fingas" or Kanye's "thru the wire" the same thing....

Because everyone on FP wants to feel like they have an advantage and what they do is right. Alot of people up here think I'm sooo big headed, but whats funny is I realize every post I make I'm defending something.

If tommorrow's post was playing keyboard is outdated, I'd defend it the same way. You guys gotta learn to respect everyone's art. To some people a picasso's just paint splashed on a canvas, but to others it's worth millions. Who are any of us to judge?
u beat me to it. Laffy Taffy is even a composition even if people don't want to believe it. Just like they dont want to believe its hip hop but its just as hip hop as hip hop horray its just not good hip hop
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deRaNged 4 Phuk'dup said:
You guys gotta learn to respect everyone's art. To some people a picasso's just paint splashed on a canvas, but to others it's worth millions. Who are any of us to judge?
This is so true. At the level of individual people, art is very, very personal. I realized this recently, and it really changed my attitude. When I *love* a song, there's nothing in the world anybody can say which will change my mind. It's between ME, MY EARS, and THAT SONG.. :) And I'm learning to give other people that same "slack" - whatever you like musically, good for you! I might not *like* it, but I'm not going to say that it's "garbage" or whatever. Because to you, it's obviously NOT garbage, but actually very valuable. The music I really love is priceless, precious to me, like my mom or my religion or something... LOL. So I try to treat yours (anybody's) that way too.

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Xabiton said:
most people arent going to get this because they are stuck on the concept of looping others music and calling it their own
That's what loses me, I wouldn't say "heart surgery is wack, all the doctors do is scrub their hands and look at the patient". But according to FP, mastering's easy, just make everything loud. I wouldn't say "working on cars is easy all you need is an oil pan and new filter", but on FP sampling's easy all you gotta do is get a loop and add drums.

Too many people base their opinions of things on what they've seen, and most of the time they're learning from some other idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about.
Project Girl said:
This is so true. At the level of individual people, art is very, very personal. I realized this recently, and it really changed my attitude. When I *love* a song, there's nothing in the world anybody can say which will change my mind. It's between ME, MY EARS, and THAT SONG.. :) And I'm learning to give other people that same "slack" - whatever you like musically, great! I might not *like* it, but I'm not going to say that it's "garbage" or whatever. Because to you, it's obviously NOT garbage, but actually very valuable. The music I really love is priceless, precious to me, like my mom or my religion or something... LOL. So I try to treat yours (anybody's) that way too.

there has to be a bar somewhere tho. people learn for years to create good music and by this logic any kid with a casio and a desire to randomly press keys on pitch or off should be respected as a musician. ummmm no. There is such a thing as bad music not because u dont like it but because most people dont.

deRaNged 4 Phuk'dup said:
That's what loses me, I wouldn't say "heart surgery is wack, all the doctors do is scrub their hands and look at the patient". But according to FP, mastering's easy, just make everything loud. I wouldn't say "working on cars is easy all you need is an oil pan and new filter", but on FP sampling's easy all you gotta do is get a loop and add drums.

Too many people base their opinions of things on what they've seen, and most of the time they're learning from some other idiot who doesn't know what they're talking about.
i couldnt agree with you more
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oh my Jesus.

Now we're having a conversation about how I'm unsatisfied with a 3 key melody and an 808 kit.

Aight ladies and gentlemen, excuse my insensitivity to all of the "producers" I've insulted who pattern thier work after Laffy Taffy.

Excuse my "short-sightedness" not to see the beauty of the artfully crafted single "splash of paint" accross a canvas.

Also, excuse this thought...You ever think someone out there may be taking advantage of your diplomacy and politically correctness? Particularly that they can piece anything together with little skill or dedication and know someone will defend it as Art.
Xabiton said:
there has to be a bar somewhere tho. people learn for years to create good music and by this logic any kid with a casio and a desire to randomly press keys on pitch or off should be respected as a musician. ummmm no. There is such a thing as bad music not because u dont like it but because most people dont.

I understand what you're saying Xabiton, but I disagree. Because who gets to say what's good music and what's bad music? There's nobody who has that authority. Some will say that academics, people with advanced degrees in music, get to decide, but I reject that, as would a lot of people, I suspect. And if a lot of people reject them as authorities on the subject, then they really *aren't* authorities on the subject. So who could possibly say, who could be that authority?

As to what is universally "good music" and what is "bad music", it just has to be a matter of personal taste. It can't possibly be anything else..

Xabiton said:
there are a lot of high quality vsts out there wtf r u talkin bout? it dont take a ton of money to make good compositions. if ur a good composer u can make a good composition on a casio and cats were doin it a few years back. I believe Mannie Fresh was doin that a few years back.

If you sample well you can do the same.... It just depends how you make it your own..