Online Diggin' & Sampling

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You're right, I shouldn't hate. But at least, don't think you're crate digging or anything like that if you're downloading.

And if you're downloading, I urge everyone who is to get themselves a cheap turntable and start collecting vinyl. MP3 quality is mostly ****, sure, you've got other formats, loss-less, but still, if the dude who ripped the **** from whatever he ripped it, don't know what he's doing it will still be ****. And that's case more often than it's not.

The audio quality the source has, will be reflected in your beats.

Sure, vinyl can often be dusty, dirty, and have a gritty sound, personally, that's what I'm going for most of the time - but it's still high quality sound, MP3's are seriously compressed, they lose a lot of the sound information.

If you haven't played, or even heard vinyl in a long time, you get yourself a turntable, it can be cheap as ****, but get a good needle, you will be blown away by how it sounds compared to MP3.

Trust me.

Just listening to music is so much better, but your beats will shine more too.

And drums, you can get some really banging drums off vinyl. I don't use a single bass drum, snare or hi hat that I haven't sampled myself off vinyl. And that's better than any kit you can buy on the net.

Oh, and don't go to Myspace and listen to the beat and say the drums suck or whatever, cause Myspace has the worst audio quality of all. Damn that **** sucks.

Another big advantage to digging if you're after samples is of course, as mentioned before, that you can find some rare ass obscure ish. Don't think that everything's on the net, because not even 1% of all the vinyls released is online.
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i do both. i love hittin da record store gettn dat vinyl bringin it home n choppin it up. diggin in da crates is execellent. i luv. but i also go thru blogs and find some rare **** dat may onlii have been released in da uk yeah otha ppl may have but ppl who jus go 2 rcrd shops wont get it(sometime). its 50/50 for me cuz i really dont give a ****. as long as my beat is hot.
Fiya, you have to agree the feeling of getting that vinyl home and putting it on for the first time, is a lot better than throwing that MP3 in Winamp though, right? And how it sounds...
KlickBeats said:
Yo, any good e diggin suggetions ????
I don't know if that was a joke or what...


KPM has records too though, some of those are dope. 7l (as in 7l & Esoteric) has sampled a lot of **** from there. So has a lot of other producers.

Library records in general, De Wolfe is another popular one.

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KlickBeats said:
Yo, any good e diggin suggetions ????

Stréetwíze Productnz said:
^ Get the fuk outta here lol

haha :cool:

SoundVolution said:
The creation of this thread is for educational and constructive debating purposes. Please leave open. Thanks.

No problem.:)

To be honest. Right now I'm just trying to get my skills up. I'll get music from wherever the **** I can, as long as I can find some fresh **** ASAP. Someday, I may be able to afford to hunt for the purest, most unheard ****, but until then, I better hope I can develop the skills to use that golden break and to flip it to it's fullest.

Anyways, I like to use alternatives to straight mp3 ripping. Such as programs that allow you to record wav files of **** you are listening to on your computer live.

I'm letting out my best kept secret, but **** it. What I'm doing needs some respect. I hit up online radio stations, or online versions of local radio stations, super soul saturdays is a dope local show I pick from, now when I hear somethin' hot I don't gotta wait on the request line tryin' to figure out what the **** they just played.

Anyways, to argue about whether or not gold music is for listening or for sampling... if you put the music on a high enough pedestal, you'll spend all your time listening and no time creating. And the exact opposite is just as bad. The truth is, the more value you have in the music, the better the music you will create. This will always be true. Regardless of whether or not you know which ****ing neighborhood of Detroit the session players from the B-side came from, if you respect good music and you make music you respect, you've got the math right.

ight i think i wasted all my intelligence in those 2 long ass posts of mine..

i'm not into all that online diggin stuff... but hey it's a good idea.. mp3's get compressed and messed up... but there are ways to fix that.. what are good sites yall get old stuff from????
If you find a blog or something that has a bunch of records and you like some of them then you can go out and buy the real thing. I have found a few decent records but none of them worth buying so I just delete them. If I find something with a few good breaks then I will go and buy those because trying to get good drums from an mp3 is almost impossible.
Musicians are such elitists. I "online dig", I also "CD Dig", I have a digital collection of over 3,000 albums on my computer, all dated, with thumbnail folders that show covers. I own all the real CDs, but it's more organized to go to "Local Disk D:\Albums and scroll than got thru crate #300, and get off your high horses, I've got tons of rare vinyl they remaster and press to CD.

While you're at it, make sure you don't use any digital workstations, or computers period for music, "that ain't real hip hop"

You need to go back to those 1 button gemni samplers and SP 1200s. Fred Finstone azz nikkas.
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No ones saying it's not handy to have your **** on the computer. No ones saying nothing against sampling from CD either - or using DAW's. You're confused.

By all means, record your Vinyl and CD to your DAW, and work on it there, but record it to .wav or some other loss-less format so you don't lose any audio quality.

And if you know anything about audio quality, you know that as soon as a wav is encoded to mp3 it loses information, no matter if it's 128kbps or 320kbps.

BTW: As for the 1200, there's more GOOD beats on albums made on that than there is from FL (nothing against FL).
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I don't think there's anything wrong with using Reason, FL, Pro Tools, it's all about what you put in it anyway, your samples and the quality of them - and your output quality is determined by what goes in.
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there are no rules.

people have sampled from tv and radio (bomb squad and sermon), vinyl, tape, etc. if you caught a bug for ditc, that's cool, but sayin' people who don't have no love of music, c'mon.

sayin' you can't find a rare record (are we talkin' records or a rare sample?) on the 'net is one thing, sayin' it's not there is another. there's also a difference between stumblin' upon and searchin' for, when crate diggin'.

live and let live
You right, there's no rules to nothing. Not this, not life.

What I'm saying is that there's many benefits to crate digging and sampling vinyl.

And there's definitely more rare and obscure **** to be found on vinyl than it is on the net. If the **** is on the net, it's not rare. The moment something is publicly available to that degree, the internet, it's not rare anymore.

The original vinyl pressing is still rare though. But not that MP3 file.

And yes, I'm saying people got no love for music when all they do is download MP3 and steal ****. A lot of these so called producers now a days don't even buy the music they listen to (e.g. Hip Hop albums), much less what they sample.

If you love something, you have respect for it.
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because somethings on the 'net doesn't mean everyone, a lot, or even 1 person is gonna dl it or even find it. if no one has ever heard of group h and i make it an mp3 and put it on my blog that only my and my fam has ever visited, is it still not rare?. damn, that sh!t could be rarer than any vinyl if nobodies lookin' for it.

if i end up at a site that plays a special brand of armenian folk fusion that i may never in my entire life come across in the real world, why would i bypass that. if you had the same record and sampled the sh!t out of it, it wouldn't mean a damn thing if i, or the majority, never heard your tracks and vice a versa. so rarity doesn't mean all that much to me. is it nice, will i put it in my effin' annoying iriver and will i ever try to sample it, is what's more important to me

is there stuff i can't find on the 'net? yup, i can't be bothered searching a million results or possible alternate search criteria but i never caught that bug in the early days to go to japan lookin' for the last place to find an lp, so, for me, it all evens up.

i'm gettin' the cold dead stare as i type so i'm out

happy diggin'.
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