Kanye's Banned Album Cover

Sorry to hi-jack but I concur with ink; the whole promotion reeks of, "HEY! OVER HERE! Look at me! I'm being daring and provocative. Don't you want to shell out fifteen bucks for an album with mediocre tracks and a yawn-inducing painting on the cover?"

And honestly, I've always really liked Kanye...just not the image he's cultivating at the moment.
Kanye's my Idol and forever will be. I've always said I prefered the old Kanye to the new one but people always sayin that oh "nobody wants to here the same College Dropout over and over again". I could agree he hade his chance to change somethings in the industry but decided to take another route.
Kanye had the opportunity to do something pretty much none of us ever will. He had the opportunity to change an entire musical genre and change the prevailing attitudes regarding it around the whole world. He had the attention of everyone back in '05, everyone, and it really looked like he would do it. Yes, I am disappointed. You can say he has a right to do what he wants, and you can say I'm whack for expecting anything more of him, or say he's just representing what his life is really like, or say he's just trying to make money and nobody wants to hear consciousness anymore or whatever, but I will always think of Kanye as a huge waste of potential. Imagine if MLK went from his “I have a dream” speech to drinking and womanizing every night and acting ignorant. Now of course, Kanye isn't anything close to what MLK was, even if he would have tried to be, but I feel this exaggeration makes my point clear. Kanye went from the one person who could have uplifted hip hop and black culture in general, to just another reason why racists are convinced, “you can take the monkey out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the monkey.”

I sincerely hope Kanye rethinks his influence on millions of peoples lives. He still has time.

Kanye never had that oppurtunity to begin with. And hes definetly not responsible for changing the worlds view on hip hop. Thats the beauty of life not caring what people think, you can actually do that and go on to live a succesful and happy life.

Its going to take alot more than Kanye west making positive songs to impact black culture. And I think people who are convinced that black people are monkeys, are more detrimental to society than any rap video is.
so hes on the cover ****ing a demon wit some liq in his hand..
Symbols of satanic images.

Poor Kanye are you trying to tell us that they got you too?

If that's what you seen in the mirror homie, then let Jesus be with you.
According to a Wal-Mart spokesperson, the illustration was never presented to the company.
"We're excited about Kanye West's new album and we look forward to carrying it in our stores on November 22nd," a Walmart spokesperson says in a statement provided to EW. "As always, it's our standard practice to carry the edited parental advisory version. We did not reject the cover artwork and it was never presented to us to view." (Entertainment Weekly)​
Well this is just my opinion (I could be totally wrong) but to me it represents what people thought of Kanye after the VMAS. The white Demonic Drunk who screwed the white girl.

the white demonic drunk?
Black* my bad lol

i thought thats what you meant i was makin sure tho..man idk i just cant even look at ye the same because some things are just so blatant to me..hes f^ckin a demon on the cover of his album and he thinks thats okay to sell in stores....but then again ye is kind of an attention whore he could just be playing with or heads..this could be something to just spark of controversy, but i dont think so..
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i thought thats what you meant i was makin sure tho..man idk i just cant even look at ye the same because some things are just so blatant to me..hes f^ckin a demon on the cover of his album and he thinks thats okay to sell in stores....

Well he brought up a good point..Why was Nirvana allowed to use the "Nevermind" cover?
not getting kanye is like not getting the onion. dude's making a joke of the negative things people think about him and its working brilliantly
Kanye West is the biggest pop star in the world right now next to Lady Gaga. So much for wasted potential
I think the album art is pretty dope. It shows a demon vs an angel, so it prolly means the evil vs the good... and reminds me alot the covers of 70/80s lps