Kanye's Banned Album Cover


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---------- Post added at 06:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:15 PM ----------

I know that cover just blew yall minds ... I wish yall could see how hard I'm smiling right now!!!

That cover is hilarious. It reminds me of SuperJail on cartoon network.
LOOOLLLLLLL!!!!.....based on that tweet it sounds like he's joking with all of us. either that or he wanted shock value to get attention for the album.
Who "banned" this exactly? Doesn't something actually have to be in stores before it can be "banned" from them? The album isn't even finished. Kanye's looking pretty needy right now, IMO.
Remember this cover?



"I stopped listening to hip-hop 10 years ago," says Darryl McDaniels, the D.M.C. in Run-D.M.C. McDaniels points out that Run-D.M.C. rhymed about everything from materialism (My Adidas) and higher education ("I'm D.M.C. in the place to be/ I go to St. John's University") to Santa Claus (Christmas in Hollis). "We weren't choirboys, but we had multiple points of view. This past decade it seems like hip-hop has mostly been about parties and guns and women. That's fine if you're in a club, but from 9 a.m. till I went to bed at night, the music had nothing to say to me. So I listened to classic rock." What brought McDaniels back from his diet of John Mellencamp and Bob Seger was Jesus Walks. "When I heard it, I just stopped in my tracks," says McDaniels. "I thought, 'This song is about everything! This feels alive!'"

Kanye had the opportunity to do something pretty much none of us ever will. He had the opportunity to change an entire musical genre and change the prevailing attitudes regarding it around the whole world. He had the attention of everyone back in '05, everyone, and it really looked like he would do it. Yes, I am disappointed. You can say he has a right to do what he wants, and you can say I'm whack for expecting anything more of him, or say he's just representing what his life is really like, or say he's just trying to make money and nobody wants to hear consciousness anymore or whatever, but I will always think of Kanye as a huge waste of potential. Imagine if MLK went from his “I have a dream” speech to drinking and womanizing every night and acting ignorant. Now of course, Kanye isn't anything close to what MLK was, even if he would have tried to be, but I feel this exaggeration makes my point clear. Kanye went from the one person who could have uplifted hip hop and black culture in general, to just another reason why racists are convinced, “you can take the monkey out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the monkey.”

I sincerely hope Kanye rethinks his influence on millions of peoples lives. He still has time.
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