Why do people say Fl Studio is the best DAW?

^^^Sounds like FL to Me, easily. The filters, the morphing synth and the tape stops. A few years ago, I could walk you thru what plugs could do each of these tasks, I can't remember the names now, been on reason too long, but, I'm hearing Love Filter, that automated tapestop plug and the piano roll's modulation control. Even that kick sonds like the "dance kick"(?).

Might even be hearing that guitar vst REFX makes. Could be wrong though. Not saying this couldn't have been made differently, just saying if someone said they made it using those tools, i wouldn't second guess it.

I'd be more intrigued by the "how" if someone said it was done in Logic, Reason, or Pro Tools. Not that it can't be done, just not as predictable of an approach.
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Not to help turn this into a which daw is better thread but the only people I know who use fruity loops are people who use cracked software and would never pay the price tag on live or even samplitude/pro tools ect.
A lot of misinformation going on here. LOL @ FL not being good for controllers. This is the most ridiculous argument anyone could ever make about a DAW designed from the ground up to let you damn near link anything that can be adjusted to a controller with little more than a right-click. This notion that you can't use a MIDI controller with FL, that it's really hard to do so, or that it' designed against it is so off base and opposite of reality that anybody with even the slightest knowledge of the program would know you're either woefully misinformed or just flat out lying about the program.

It has a step sequencer... just like practically every DAW ever. FL's is very easy to use. That does not somehow prohibit from being used with MIDI controllers or make that a difficult task. I don't get how you guys make that leap. It's absolute nonsense. It's as idiotic as saying Ableton is good at timestretching and pitch shifting audio, so that means it's impossible to actually play in notes at a different pitch and it's not designed to accept MIDI note signals because it has a good timestretching engine. Nobody would ever say something so stupid for any other program but change it to FL and all of the sudden this crap pops up from people with no clue what they're talking about.

Here is what is bad about FL: It's super easy to crack and the download is small. A lot of people who are complete garbage or newbs at making music gravitate to it because of this and make garbage/newb quality music. Somehow, the world convinces itself that these people are really Stevie Wonder on the keys with godlike production talent and FL is what's to blame for the shit quality content they're cranking out. It's like looking at some fat slob who can't even dribble a basketball and noticing that he's wearing Jordans and saying, "Well clearly the shoes are why this guy is terrible. Not that he's a fat slob, not that he has no talent, but because of the shoes." Oh, and the midi controller argument is like someone else chiming in, "yeah and I heard you can't even put laces in them." Anyways, those people go on the internet trying figure out why they suck and they read threads like this with lies and misinformation and actually convince themselves that I actually is the shoes. They then try something that is "good". When they still suck and make garbage music, they can no longer blame the software so they finally start putting in effort to get better and not sucking.

As far as why people say vote it as their favorite, the answer is simple: because it's their favorite.
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FL is amazing, all these daws do the exact same thing at the same level, every should know that, as far as negative people who come on here to bash FL, they are ofcourse wrong. Fl like most daws is capable of doing anything reason or protools or any other daw can do, and aside from the effects, fl does it all at the same quality, the mixer settings built into the mixer, the channel, sure the stock fl effects are bad, but you shouldnt be using stock anyways. Truly these daws are all the same, FL is the easiest to use by far and the only daw that doesnt look like a speadsheet from 1995 (Protools)
I have to agree. The DAW today doesn't really matter all that much. The basic functions are all the same, otherwise you end up using third party plugins anyway. So it'S more about the workflow you may or may not feel comfortable with.
The best daw is what you're comfortable with.
With that being said I prefer Reason over the rest, but have studio one for vst support since I think savihost is not a rewire substitute.
I started off with Reason and I liked it but I'd rather focus on creating and not technicalities. Reason is for those people that like messing around with wires and a mainly EDM focus. The vocal recording section [Record, I tried it when it first came out around 2012 or whatever] was weak when I tried it; they may have improved since then though.

Based on user-friendliness, work-flow, straight forwardness and display, Studio One 3 takes the cake.
Tbh I'm just waiting for minihost modular's progress then I'm off studio one for good lol.
Gonna be usin reason with that since it has wires in it but is meant for vsts.
Use whatever ya like I say.
Personally I prefer studio one or reaper if talking vst support daws but fl studio has no limitations either.
Every different DAW is the "best" software. It is not up to the software itself rather than the person using it.

If you know how to work the UI, mixer, audio editor, effectspanels etc. then you can manage any DAW.

It's just a question of taste.

Personally I use FL Studio 11. <- "the best"
Me being an ableton user, that started using FL Studio I'd say that it's because FL Studio is more userfriendly.
It's less technical, but still a powerful DAW. Meaning that people who start out using it, often continue using it through their evolvement.
And then there's unloyal pricks like me who transition into more technical DAWs.
I've had experience in both FL Studio and Ableton, I've grown to like Ableton much more, but as a beginner, I could not see myself using Ableton. Although professionals still use FL, I found it much more beginner friendly and self-explanatory than Ableton although now I enjoy using Ableton more as I find my workflow is much better.
I first attempted making beats with a DAW in FL studio. It was confusing and the interface didn't connect. I tried Ableton many years later and fell in love.
Any song can be made in any decent DAW. The differences between daws are for the most part about the workflow, not the outcome. Some daws have better workflows for one type of production, while other daws are better for other types.

The best daw question basically answers the question of what type of producers are answering the poll. A better question is what is the best DAW for making beats, doing remixes, recording a four man band, mastering, composing for film, live deejay style performance, and so on. The fact is most professional DAWS specialize in one or more of these areas at the trade off of others.

This is why so many people use more than one DAW. These days, as a musician that records most of my music and work on standard band formats, I find Logic Pro more than suitable for my needs but if I were to make more sample based music with loops and deejay style track mixing, I would opt for ableton live. When I was writing more music in the box, I preferred Cubase and if I was working in classical film stuff I ran Sibelius into it.

So basically the question, “what is the best DAW?” is too broad a question to have a single answer.
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The same question applies on books vs movies.

Some would say books are far more superior then movies, neglecting the fact that movies come with sound, are nicer to those who have reading problems and want to know the story within 2 hours.

Other might say a movie is faster, more accessible and less hard to grasp, while in fact books do not rush you, gives you the ability to read thoughts, and give you more freedom to fill in the gaps.

Books or movies, or what DAW, it all comes down to your own likings.

Having said that, Fruity Loops was a mediocre DAW partly because of hard to see GUI (too small) and the lack of midi compatibility. However, they were rewarded for their unique philosophy in business in general. Lifetime free upgrades. And not only that, but Image Line, the producer house of the FL Studio series, is very active in marketing and getting feedback from the everyday average user of FL Studio. So, if you would have struggled upon a unhandy feature, a smart solution or other workable ideas, they might just trow it in in a future update, which, because you bought it just once in a long distance past, if free from you to download.

And the demo gets you almost to the mastering stage with help of a useful thing called Audacity.

You only need to buy FL Studio when you actual make money of the soundscapes you used FL Studio for. Or think (trust me, it is!!) the money is worth spending (think lifetime upgrades (which comes down to a few cents each month)) it on.
They sounds are great, if you now how to use the gear.

Check this link for ALL you ever need to know, and don't be fooled by the music, it was cool and hot when the video was made, and the principles will never change, because sound is sound, reproduced by magnets, and that will not changed or was ever changed since the first sound that was reproduced by a speaker.

( https://www.google.com/search?q=the+art+of+mixing&client=ms-android-dt-nl-revc&prmd=isvn&source=lnms&tbm=vid&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiL8ZqL1avqAhXE6qQKHf8iAdsQ_AUoA3oECBMQAw&biw=360&bih=512&dpr=3#ip=1 )

You can render and save midi so without a payed version you can do everything.

There are more than enough 'hidden' features that make all other DAW's bite dust. Fruity Loops clearly won the battle, by far.

If you are thinking about making music, you should know it takes time to shape your work into something sweet. So, if you just put just as much effort in getting to understand why your instrument (DAW, because the mixer is a music instrument on it's own, waiting to be played with and sound sweeter then honey) responds the way it does, you will enjoy those few hours of actual serious study THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
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I look at Daws a bit differently. I focus primarily on the musicianship ie. playing piano / drums. I just need an application to properly record the sound.

FL is a lot like WordPress, it's popular, therefore it's more helpful when you need upgrades, tutorials etc.