Vsts...that use math...to make sounds...what?



is there more stuff like this?..........................................................................................................................

please for the love of god tell me trigonometry is not needed to learn synthesis.
what is a (co)sine wave? it is a trigonometric function plotted in time

what is any other waveform? a sum of a finite or infinite (near enough) number of (co)sine waves with phase alignment and amplitude multipliers and time based envelopes on each parameter (phase envelope and amplitude envelope) applied, if we accept Fourier's theorem - hard to dispute when there is so much information available that supports it

so no matter what we do we are using trigonometry regardless
Nope, trigonometry is not needed. But it's definitely stepping into the "knowing how to build a guitar to play a guitar" territory - not necessary, but insightful (and sitting there in the background whether or not you understand it, as bc said).