Good info on here
If you drag a session view clip over to the arrangement view toggle icon, Live will switch to arrangement view and allow you to drop the clip.
i switched to using Reason from fl studio lately and I'm progressing pretty smoothly with it. I read that rewire reason in live is a tight set up so I'm trying it out and I must say live got me feelin like a tard lol.. I mean, it's very unique looking and I just couldn't grasp the flow of it, granted I only messed with it for a little bit so far didn't even setup a rewire yet... so ima def peep this thread as well as some basic video tutorials
Ableton is a staple in my everyday setup since i swithed to software and let go of the motif and mpc. I can find a program i like better then live and i have been trying becuz for some reason my live keeps crashing on my mac...oh well, i still am i def live fan
is there anyway to get a clip into arrangement view without "recording" it in (and usually recording over everything else in the process)?
I got a question I have never been able to find the answer to. Is there anyway to change the selection default or whatever so that when nothing is selected and I click on a clip in arrangement view it won't select every F-ing thing? I mean who came up with that idea? Obviously when I'm working on an arrangement and have a bunch of clips arranged how I want them, obviously when I click on something what I'm really trying to do is adjust EVERYTHING, obviously. I mean who would want to just select the one clip they actually clicked on? That's CRAZY TALK!
Also, is there anyway to get a clip into arrangement view without "recording" it in (and usually recording over everything else in the process)?