Reason Samplers - question


New member
Hey, I know using reason and recycle you cannot speed up or slow down a sample without changing the pitch, but I was just wondering - do yall use any other programs to effectively speed up/slow down a sample without changing pitch? If so, what do you use? Usually the pitch shifting isn't a problem for me, but I have a few samples where it would be much better to just speed the sample up without having to put an ultra high pitch.

Help would be appreciated.
Back for the another question, what's the most efficient way of recording on reason live? I have a bass that I REALLY want to incorporate into my beats, but I don't really have an idea of how.??

Until Reason 6 hits, not really possible unless you are talking about one shots and licks.

if one shots and licks then use one of the samplers with external audio source.
Get Record today and you'll get Reason 6 for free. Record is fully equipped for this and your Reason devices will become part of the Record rack.
You could slice up your sample, then import it into PRO TOOLS and use time shift to stretch it, then bounce it back out and import into reason. I have a tutorial on sampling using reason 5 here---->Chaîne de TrillPhenom - YouTube as well as a few others like how to filter out a bassline, etc and more to come!