
Are we talking about the hip hop culture that wears skinny jeans, embraced Laffy Taffy, praises a rapper that kissed a man on tv, and has several of its stars that actually gay themselves?

Psy is Cheesy Electronic Pop not Hip Hop. Let the man get paid. When it comes on just change the station, LoL.

Hahahaha!!! I forgot about that wack song laffy taffy!! You can lick it for a long time OH...MY..GAWD!!!!

No straight man wear's that. I don't care if he got a ***** on the side, dude gay.

He is labeled as a rapper, which he isn't he has no message.

Naw man your losing his style in the culture translation

The 'flower boys' of South Korea who spend more on beauty products than any other men in the world | Mail Online

South Korea's soccer team is nick named the flower boys because they look so effeminate. But the ladies love that over there. In fact one of the biggest markets for Male make up is in south korea....

Its not gay or straight its just culture. But really he doesn't even dress that extreme. have u seen this cover


As far as his rapping goes. I wouldn't know if he has a message. I can't understand a word he's saying. But I can't dismiss him as a non rapper out of hand. We have no idea what type of music he's been making for 10 years.
1. Psy is a veteran. He's new in the states but has already left a legacy in Korea.
2. The cultural variances may make him seem "gay"(not that it should matter with the music he does), I don't know he is or not, but he knows how to pic a bad chick to wife. I doubt a gay asian would want a chick with thighs like that, they'd be worried she was "too fat"(she's not close to fat just asian culture they tend to be alot smaller).
3. We got rappers right here in the states talkin bout how "real" they are that dress just as funny(if not funnier)and convince us to call it "swag".

EDIT: post above me already hit on point #3.

Couldn't have said it better myself. Some people need to get out and learn about the different cultures of the world. expand their minds a little.