Propellerhead Conference - I was there ! Check the News !

That's what I figured. I figured he tried it, I just wanted to know where his crashed.

My cpu rating on my old pc hit the ceiling and then just stopped. I heard all sorts of pops, clicks, and digital artifacts before it stopped.
It actually popped up the warning for me too, and stopped playback. 34 seconds in. The lead solo part (I think that's what it is, i only got like 2 seconds into it).

I'm on my laptop though, and I have tons of other stuff going on (Tweetie, Webkit w/8 tabs, some terminals, eclipse, and other assorted processes).

I'll have to do a clean reboot later, and retry(Or at least close some of these processes). I'm actually really curious if it could be too complex for my machine at the moment, though I highly doubt it. I just need a couple more cpu % free to load those lead effects.

It might also be wired up without performance in mind? I'm not a reason(or hardware) guru, but I know there are definitely some good ways to route, and there are not-so-good ways.
Everytime people start talking about how light Reason is on a cpu, I bring up that file. Reason is light on cpu power, but there is a reason for that (no pun intended).

Reason is structured so that if you open a mixer, and then a device like a sampler or synth, it's bone dry. When you look at this in comparison to a hardware workstation like a Motif Es, it's crazy. Most of the presets in the Motif run through 4 instrument effects, 2 pattern effects, and 2 mastering effects before you hear the sound. Now, try running every sound in Reason through 8 effects before it gets to the Reason mixer.

Still think it will be light on the cpu?

That in itself is why some people who are strictly hardware users believe that hardware sounds better than software. Imagine that, 8 effects on every sound. If you didn't learn the voice architecture of the Motif, you would never know.

that is true

but if i can get my Reason to sound how i want it to sound.. does it really matter lol?
Reason is structured so that if you open a mixer, and then a device like a sampler or synth, it's bone dry. When you look at this in comparison to a hardware workstation like a Motif Es, it's crazy. Most of the presets in the Motif run through 4 instrument effects, 2 pattern effects, and 2 mastering effects before you hear the sound...
... If you didn't learn the voice architecture of the Motif, you would never know.
I actually didn't have much of an understanding behind the hardware workstations, thank you for bringing that up.
that is true

but if i can get my Reason to sound how i want it to sound.. does it really matter lol?

No. It doesn't matter. That wasn't my point at all.

The point I was making is that Reason isn't all the light on the cpu. It depends on what you are doing. It can be as much of a hog as any vst.
No. It doesn't matter. That wasn't my point at all.

The point I was making is that Reason isn't all the light on the cpu. It depends on what you are doing. It can be as much of a hog as any vst.

the best thing you can do.. is just export the wave.. and then load it back in as audio..

problem solved.. you can trick out a patch and run it thru 40 effects.. then export.. re-import.. as audio, and its done
the best thing you can do.. is just export the wave.. and then load it back in as audio..

problem solved.. you can trick out a patch and run it thru 40 effects.. then export.. re-import.. as audio, and its done

You can do the same thing with a vst in a host. So cpu usage isn't the benefit that it appears to be with Reason.

That's my point.
You can do the same thing with a vst in a host. So cpu usage isn't the benefit that it appears to be with Reason.

That's my point.

i dont think CPU Usage is one of the benefits of reason, or at least i would never say it is
I actually didn't have much of an understanding behind the hardware workstations, thank you for bringing that up.

Just for fun, go through your Reason demo songs. Look at the effects chains they have. Compare them with the songs that you do in Reason. Amazing, isn't it!?!?!

Take a second to listen to these demo songs from the EM 2.0 refill.

The first one "Cruisin Down El Meco" sounds like it's been stemmed out through a big board and mastered, but it actually sounds just as good with the actual Reason file that's included with the Refill.

If you are a registered Reason 3 user, the refill if free. Download the refill and find the song file and open it. Notice their effects chains.

Amazing, isn't it!?!?!?!??!!??!
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Everytime people start talking about how light Reason is on a cpu, I bring up that file. Reason is light on cpu power, but there is a reason for that (no pun intended).

Reason is structured so that if you open a mixer, and then a device like a sampler or synth, it's bone dry. When you look at this in comparison to a hardware workstation like a Motif Es, it's crazy. Most of the presets in the Motif run through 4 instrument effects, 2 pattern effects, and 2 mastering effects before you hear the sound. Now, try running every sound in Reason through 8 effects before it gets to the Reason mixer.

Still think it will be light on the cpu?

That in itself is why some people who are strictly hardware users believe that hardware sounds better than software. Imagine that, 8 effects on every sound. If you didn't learn the voice architecture of the Motif, you would never know.

Okay, on my desktop (which is quad core and runs through a firewire interface) it barely topped 30%, even low latency. On my laptop with the buffer all the way up in ASIO4All it played no more than 10 seconds of the song. My laptop btw is a 2.2ghz amd turion x2 based machine. I pull up whole sessions with 30-40 audio tracks and usually 8-13 or so vsts and probably 1-3 vstis running in Nuendo and usually have no problems.
Just for fun, go through your Reason demo songs. Look at the effects chains they have. Compare them with the songs that you do in Reason. Amazing, isn't it!?!?!
I can't layer sounds for ****. I admit it.

The sounds I produce still sound dull and flat to me in comparison.
I'll have to check these out and see if I can learn something.
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Okay, on my desktop (which is quad core and runs through a firewire interface) it barely topped 30%, even low latency. On my laptop with the buffer all the way up in ASIO4All it played no more than 10 seconds of the song. My laptop btw is a 2.2ghz amd turion x2 based machine. I pull up whole sessions with 30-40 audio tracks and usually 8-13 or so vsts and probably 1-3 vstis running in Nuendo and usually have no problems.

Yeah, that "trailer song" is a beast. I called it the unofficial Reason 4 benchmark.

Here is a link to the Props forum where I first talked about it:
So they indeed had the guts to release a rewire host with no plugin or composing capabalities whatsoever. That's hands down the most retarded program ever.
I'm still curious as to how exactly they intend to market it.
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What type of Reverbs will this thing have? Will they cover every type accessable thru vst, dx, au, ect? What about delays...Tempo, multitap, pitch shifting, flanging, stereo, they'll have all those since you can't add on, right? Compressors...vintage classic series, multiband, tube emulation? Autotune, morphing and vocoders? You telling me they're gonna cover all the thousands of plug ins that are accessable in their one suite or are we just supposed to pretend we never had access to them?

That's it. Game over.

It seems like Propellerhead writes its programs on the Moon, and don't know nothing about the market they're trying to suceed in.
So they indeed had the guts to release a rewire host with no plugin or composing capabalities whatsoever. That's hands down the most retarded program ever.
I'm still curious as to how exactly they intend to market it.

I'm actually waiting to see what their website says tomorrow. It just seems like for all the hype, there would be more to Record than what I have read so far.
So they indeed had the guts to release a rewire host with no plugin or composing capabalities whatsoever. That's hands down the most retarded program ever.
I'm still curious as to how exactly they intend to market it.
Actually, after freeing my mind a little, I may have figured it out.

The reported price is going to be $350 new, bundled with Reason from what these people from the conference have said. If so, that's a hell of a price point! Reason 4 by itself was $400!

I doubt they'll be releasing it that cheap...but we'll see. They'll definitely cannibalize the low to mid-end market, though Record won't knock the real DAWs off their thrones.
ive NEVER has reason crash on me and ive done some crazy **** ima open this file yall speaking on and see whats up.
Wait, you're claiming the 3rd parties do their individual VST's better than Reason's instruments? I completely agree. Isn't that an argument toward providing VST support? Wouldn't you want the best tools at least available to you at all times?

The issue is that they're not supporting vsts AND they're limiting ReWire. You can only ReWire out of Record from what I've seen, and not into it.

Please note that I in fact love Reason, and actually really like that Propellerheads are moving forward. I'm pointing out the glaring issues in their strategy. They're moving away from interoperability and openness (These guys created ReWire!!) to try and lock people in, and get paid to do it.

This threat is expanding too fast for me to keep up with... so i'll only respond to the part im involved in.

"Isn't that an argument toward providing VST support? Wouldn't you want the best tools at least available to you at all times?"

Well "best" is subjective. I personally use reason more than my other VSTs due to its lite CPU load, ease of use, and how easy it is (in my personal opinion) to stack and create unique sounds. And because I feel that with Live, rewire is even easier to use than my VSTs.

And im only commenting on Reason, not this new "record" ****. To be honest, as much as I love reason, from what ive read about it so far it looks real wack... but I guess Ill hold my judgement until at least tomorrow when i have some more info.

Im just saying that Reason will never (and SHOULD never) host VSTs. Propellerheads are NOT stupid for ignoring this request, they are smart.

if you're gonna host VSTs in Reason... why even get reason in the first place??? If u want VSTs, get Reaper/Sonar/Cubase/Live/DP/Logic etc etc etc and get those VSTs u want so bad... and u got the same thing/more.

This whole argument to me is like me buying an Xbox 360 and then being mad that it cant play PS3 games. This is not what its for, and there is another product readily available that is designed to do exactly what you want... so if u wanna play PS3 games why not just get a PS3 in the first place????
I'm actually waiting to see what their website says tomorrow. It just seems like for all the hype, there would be more to Record than what I have read so far.
Thats why I'm curious. Despite it apparantly not supporting third party FX and it emulating some sort of analogue channel strips.. I dunno.
We'll see tomorrow.
Reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Lisa finds a skeleton of an angel, everybody worships it and at the end it's nothing more than a big marketing campaign for a new mall.
In our case the mall being, though, a place selling brand new VCR players and whatever stuff nobody really needs today. :p
Im just saying that Reason will never (and SHOULD never) host VSTs. Propellerheads are NOT stupid for ignoring this request, they are smart.
100% agreed.

Reason shouldn't support VST's, I totally support that.

...but they created a whole new DAW, and intentionally left it out of Record. It's supposed to be a digital workstation, but it only lets me work with reason? That's cramping my workflow.

I've never supported Reason having VST's, it doesn't make sense. But a DAW (Record) developed in 2009 has no reason not to support it. It's obviously not that hard if every other DAW does it?

Record is not a DAW, it's a Reason Expansion Pack. They shouldn't be marketing it as one.

Edit: I'm not claiming reason's instruments are bad and all 3rd party are better. Some are, some aren't. Let me mix and match my own instruments with the Reason ones!
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