Propellerhead Conference - I was there ! Check the News !

One month ago, I would have been exited, but after recently switching to SONAR, this doesn't really impress me.

It's like releasing a car in 2009 and saying that it finally has an air conditioner.

lol pretty much
on the other hand, my travel lappy (acer $450) i am running reason with the studio bundle (check out the combinations in the bundle for the basses) without any problems.

in my experience reason runs light than a DAW with vsti.
Reason runs 'lighter' than a full DAW with an added vsti?


So you've pointed out that essentially a glorified software instrument is lighter than a full DAW with an additional software instrument?


Propellerheads screwed up in their marketing division, or whoever is still insisting no VSTi support. What, are they going to sell it in 2014 as a revolutionary new feature too?
Propellerheads Instruments - NOW LETS YOU USE MULTIPLE SOFTWARE INSTRUMENTS!!! (Coming 2014 for $250 upgrade from Reason+Record) Also simulates the old school vsti interface of real software from the nineties!
This great new software is coming from the same people who provided you with the ability to record Audio in 2009!
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As a Reason/Live user this seems pretty awesome...
I am interested to know how well this will work in conjunction with Reason, and or Live. It seems like Propellerheads are trying to replace the need for Ableton ReWire hosting.
I'm intrigued at the capabilities
Reason runs 'lighter' than a full DAW with an added vsti?


So you've pointed out that essentially a glorified software instrument is lighter than a full DAW with an additional software instrument?


Propellerheads screwed up in their marketing division, or whoever is still insisting no VSTi support. What, are they going to sell it in 2014 as a revolutionary new feature too?
Propellerheads Instruments - NOW LETS YOU USE MULTIPLE SOFTWARE INSTRUMENTS!!! (Coming 2014 for $250 upgrade from Reason+Record) Also simulates the old school vsti interface of real software from the nineties!
This great new software is coming from the same people who provided you with the ability to record Audio in 2009!

Son no personal offense... but this post is retarded. Funk's post was saying that because of Reason u can make a total track on a lite machine. You're comparing that to just a sofwtare instrument. I would love to see you make a complete track with just one software instrument and NO SEQUENCER.

Why would Reason ever host VSTs? It makes no sense. What does reason have? Drum machines, samplers, synths, and effects... all of which have been done better as individual VSTs. If you wanna use VSTs, copp Sonar and the NI bundle and ur happy.

Reason is a product designed to do two things... and it does those two things well... 1) be a complete, enclosed music creation tool that runs extremely light and efficient or 2) be an all in one workstation of instruments for DAW users (through rewire).

As I have said before, if u think rewire is "too hard" or complicated, that has more to do with your choice of DAW and less to do with Reason. With Ableton Live, it couldn't be any easier.
its funny what most of u guys are saying. listen u dont need vsts, u dont need anything that u dont need. ive made songs in reaper/cubase/protools/sonar/DP using nothing BUT sound fonts and came out hot and sounding thick full and pounds and clear. so saying I NEED TO USE VSTS, VSTS ARE A MUST is just silly.

everyone is entittled to their OWN opinion but when u guys talk about ur OWN biased opinions like their FACT thats just stupid.

you dont need vsts
you dont need reason
u dont need to like green eggs n ham
you DO need to like GWOP POP

make good music. thats all we ask and that u get gwop pop
SMH @ people thinking SSL Console Emulation is any type of compensation for no type of 3rd party support whatsoever. What about people who already have an SSL Board? Or even a Neve Console, Line of Manley outboard gear, hell, a line of anything. Anyone with any type of chain(including myself)knows while the SSL board is famous, nothing of "top quality" is coming out of it any quicker than anything else unless the engineer behind it knows what they're doing.

I bought the Waves SSL bundle when it was around $1100, sold my license within a month. They were fairly accurate, just not worth loading into every channel to give the illusion when my sound was still good without them. Ironically, I ended up putting the same ammount into an Avalon M5 that stays in my chain at all times.

I'm the 1st to say an entire track can be done in Reason without outsourcing until it's time to add vocals. Now they're giving you a way to add vocals, but they're a day late and a dollar short.

Hell, nobody records in FL and you COULD for the last 4 releases. Not many record in Ableton. Reason being(pun intended)? Average engineer has been used to whatever they used for a good decade now. Besides Logic(that honestly just took alot of Mac Pro Tools users and showed them more)and freeware DAWs, the same DAWs still run the market(Cubase, SONAR, and Pro Tools).

If things like Digital Performer and the multitrack Bias put out couldn't win over tons of Daw users, and Audition with all it's new features still kept the same cult following, from a business sense, Props should have re-invented the wheel.

They basically walked up to people who enjoyed the salad(Reason), but still have a main coure of Steak(whatever Daw), and told them, "you don't need that steak anymore, because now our salad comes with Bacon Bits on it! yaaaaaaaaaaay....."

I've already been getting bored with using Reason alone, refuse to go thru the effort to reWire when vstis save settings and everything without the hassle, was expecting something to get me excited they do this?


damn deRaNged pretty much sumemd it all up...
No disrespect to Reason I use it rewired with Cubase 4 but in no way you can compare Reason sounds with vsts. Don't compare those fantom / triton / virus refills (they dope).
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Why would Reason ever host VSTs? It makes no sense. What does reason have? Drum machines, samplers, synths, and effects... all of which have been done better as individual VSTs. If you wanna use VSTs, copp Sonar and the NI bundle and ur happy.
Wait, you're claiming the 3rd parties do their individual VST's better than Reason's instruments? I completely agree. Isn't that an argument toward providing VST support? Wouldn't you want the best tools at least available to you at all times?

As I have said before, if u think rewire is "too hard" or complicated, that has more to do with your choice of DAW and less to do with Reason. With Ableton Live, it couldn't be any easier.
The issue is that they're not supporting vsts AND they're limiting ReWire. You can only ReWire out of Record from what I've seen, and not into it.

Please note that I in fact love Reason, and actually really like that Propellerheads are moving forward. I'm pointing out the glaring issues in their strategy. They're moving away from interoperability and openness (These guys created ReWire!!) to try and lock people in, and get paid to do it.
^^^And I'll say again. To that kid who only has Reason. ReCord is going to be an amazing addition. To those who hack software, no big deal, but they'll probably hack this as well.

The problem with companies is they don't look into their consumers needs.

Don't you think any engineer already has a DAW and a few thousand invested in plug ins since it took you until 2009 to make one? What if I like my DSP plugs from UAD and my powercore interface? Now I have to say "f**k Them"? What if I already have outboard gear? I'm supposed to still be excited over b.s. done to death SSL Emulation? Timestretch? Are we gonna seriously act like that doesn't exsist in whatever DAW we're already using...EVEN FL!!!!!

I'm sure some will be excited over this, it just pushed me further away from Prop's products. I already gave up vstis and dxis for them because I didn't mind limiting my production process for them, but I'm too intricate of an engineer for ReCord to be of any use to me over SONAR and I damn sure won't disregard a $500 program worth every penny that I know all the ins and outs of for a $150 program that I'm sure is worth $150 that will limit my recording process. Especially when the recording process is the chance I get to expand on my already limited production process.

What type of Reverbs will this thing have? Will they cover every type accessable thru vst, dx, au, ect? What about delays...Tempo, multitap, pitch shifting, flanging, stereo, they'll have all those since you can't add on, right? Compressors...vintage classic series, multiband, tube emulation? Autotune, morphing and vocoders? You telling me they're gonna cover all the thousands of plug ins that are accessable in their one suite or are we just supposed to pretend we never had access to them?

And screw that "stability talk". People who use Reason for stability already have stable setups, we use Powercore, UAD, Receptor, ect. to power our vsts because up until 09/09/2009 we had no other option.

And people have the nerve to talk about Pro Tools Limitations, lol.

Just my OPINION. But we all got those, right?
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If things like Digital Performer and the multitrack Bias put out couldn't win over tons of Daw users, and Audition with all it's new features still kept the same cult following, from a business sense, Props should have re-invented the wheel.

They basically walked up to people who enjoyed the salad(Reason), but still have a main coure of Steak(whatever Daw), and told them, "you don't need that steak anymore, because now our salad comes with Bacon Bits on it! yaaaaaaaaaaay....."


That's what I expected. I really thought that with all of the hype, that's what they were intending to do, but this isn't anything new or innovative. It's only good for people who want to stay in the box with Reason.
That's what I expected. I really thought that with all of the hype, that's what they were intending to do, but this isn't anything new or innovative. It's only good for people who want to stay in the box with Reason.

From my standpoint, it's worse than that. I totally stay in the box with Reason. It's like a house pet. My daw is like that hour of the day I get to run around outside, now they expect me to be excited that they bought me a chew toy and a litter box, but will never let me outside again? That's just gonna make me run wild and forget my way back home the one time I finally do get outside.

Best analogy I could come up with, sorry, lol.:cheers:
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That's totally subjective. It depends on what you are doing. Reason isn't that much different than using vst's. It depends on how hard you are pushing it.

Here is a perfect example. Check out this link:

That is the trailer for Reason 4. It even says at the end that the song was made 100% with Thor. I always thought it was kinda funny that the trailer song itself wasn't included with the Reason 4 demo songs that come with Reason. So I went to the Props website, and the creater posted a link to the actual Reason file that is the "trailer song".

Here it is:

I don't know what kind of pc you have, but if you are using a $450 laptop, tell me how you make out when you open that file.

That Reason song brought my computer at the time to a screeching stop. As a matter of fact, that song made me go out and get a Q6600 and overclock it to 3 ghz.

Screeching halt it was sir. Touche' lol
What type of Reverbs will this thing have? Will they cover every type accessable thru vst, dx, au, ect? What about delays...Tempo, multitap, pitch shifting, flanging, stereo, they'll have all those since you can't add on, right? Compressors...vintage classic series, multiband, tube emulation? Autotune, morphing and vocoders? You telling me they're gonna cover all the thousands of plug ins that are accessable in their one suite or are we just supposed to pretend we never had access to them?
This is the best and most concretely articulated argument on this thread.

You think Record is going to have all the effects that you want? And out of those effects, how many of them are going to be great, and how many are just usable, and how many are absolute trash?

We need the ability to choose. They shouldn't be applauded for locking you into only their software, because they finally brought in audio in 2009.
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^^^He was agrreing that it did the same to his comp. That's indeed a downside of Reason's "stability" I can be at like 3% CPU but running enough combinators and it will just tapout for no explainable reason.
^^^He was agrreing that it did the same to his comp. That's indeed a downside of Reason's "stability" I can be at like 3% CPU but running enough combinators and it will just tapout for no explainable reason.

That's what I figured. I figured he tried it, I just wanted to know where his crashed.

My cpu rating on my old pc hit the ceiling and then just stopped. I heard all sorts of pops, clicks, and digital artifacts before it stopped.
wait ya'll couldnt play that trailersong??

i played it all the way thru and it only stopped twice LOL
wait ya'll couldnt play that trailersong??

i played it all the way thru and it only stopped twice LOL

Everytime people start talking about how light Reason is on a cpu, I bring up that file. Reason is light on cpu power, but there is a reason for that (no pun intended).

Reason is structured so that if you open a mixer, and then a device like a sampler or synth, it's bone dry. When you look at this in comparison to a hardware workstation like a Motif Es, it's crazy. Most of the presets in the Motif run through 4 instrument effects, 2 pattern effects, and 2 mastering effects before you hear the sound. Now, try running every sound in Reason through 8 effects before it gets to the Reason mixer.

Still think it will be light on the cpu?

That in itself is why some people who are strictly hardware users believe that hardware sounds better than software. Imagine that, 8 effects on every sound. If you didn't learn the voice architecture of the Motif, you would never know.
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