Next To It - mixing tip


New member
Mixing is all about the concept "Next To It". Lupe fiasco made me think of that with his new song next to it.

so yeah, when it comes to mixing, each sound is only as good as the sound next to it.

Meaning if you want your kick to sound huge, put a low volume high hat next to it. Try it. Put a kick on , play it with nothing else. After add a melody or percussion at very low volume, your mind will create a illusion and make the kick seem bigger because the rest is so low.

Just like a picture, you can't know if a guy is tall if he is alone in the picture, only by having someone you know next to him in the picture, that's when you will see the difference.

This goes for every sound, next to it is a very useful trick if not the most important when it comes to setting your volume levels.

Same goes for, the quality of your sounds. You may have the dopest bass but if the other sounds don't fit with it, what's the point. People are not listening to basslines, they are listening to complete songs.

peace, one love , hope it helps
yep - bandcoach says "the art of mixing is making things quieter not louder so that other things can stand out" held to that for more than 30 years of mixing