New RnB Track [link me to get return feedback!]

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Haven't done much in a while. Got some inspiration recently though. Still working on this. Seeing if I can get someone to spit on it (hence the fact that the vocal ranges are pretty empty here).

Link me and I'll return feedback too. Thanks!
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I liked the vibe you created and I digged the choirs and flutes in the background. The only thing I didn't like was the repetitive structure of this. When you do find a singer/rapper for this (and trust me you will) maybe you could considering creating a new part just for the chorus? Otherwise nice work.
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Kick has too much punch bass, cut some low fq. Melody is nice and smoothy but work on arrangement. Except that kick I didn't notice any mistakes on mix.

Yeah I may be overcompensating a bit. I usually mix my kicks too light in the bass. I'll give it a try. Thanks.

I liked the vibe you created and I digged the choirs and flutes in the background. The only thing I didn't like was the repetitive structure of this. When you do find a singer/rapper for this (and trust me you will) maybe you could considering creating a new part just for the chorus? Otherwise nice work.

Thanks man. Yeah it's a bit repetative right now but I don't want to get too crazy before I know how to fit the vocals in (I'm still pretty new to this). Got any leads on someone looking to spit? Everyone where I live just wants to go to indy concerts...
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I think you need to EQ a few bits in the flute, apart from that it sounds pretty clean, just missing some vocals and you're set to go!
Sounds great, get some rapping over the top if you can but it's a great backing track for an RnB song for sure!
love this ..... especially the Kick , i'm not too familiar with the technical terms but i love that sort of noise that sounds together with the kick , DOPE
The general vibe and idea of this track is nice, but the sounds...not so much. They just sound very pre-set/corny to me. Try fashioning your own original sounds with synthesizers. Another thing I noticed was that some of these percussive instruments aren't controlled very well. The kick drum could definitely use a transient shaper...or just use the amplitude envelope on the sampler you used with that sample to cut down on the tail of that waveform. It'll clean it up a whole bunch. Also, don't forget the power of EQ! I noticed a lot of mud in this mix, and every track/sound in this track could definitely benefit from some non-destructive EQ (meaning reducing gain instead of increasing gain).


Love that oriental feel that you have on this track. As said before though, the kick is a bit too strong. Composition it really good though, everything blends together really nice.
Keep up the good work! (followed you on soundcloud)
I think you need to EQ a few bits in the flute, apart from that it sounds pretty clean, just missing some vocals and you're set to go!

Yeah I still have not gotten around to EQ'ing everything. Just got a quick mix to see if I should rework the track or not. Looks like I have some sound engineering to do (my favorite part actually)!

I agree. The kick seems a little too strong. This sounds like a beat you hear in a documentary when they talk about Dinosaurs or Egyptians... People make good money from those kind of beats. Good work and keep it up!

Dude I would love to have a little side job selling beats to documentaries. No idea how to get into that though. I think I'm going to work on my production for now and then look towards the business side later. Thanks though!

The general vibe and idea of this track is nice, but the sounds...not so much. They just sound very pre-set/corny to me. Try fashioning your own original sounds with synthesizers. Another thing I noticed was that some of these percussive instruments aren't controlled very well. The kick drum could definitely use a transient shaper...or just use the amplitude envelope on the sampler you used with that sample to cut down on the tail of that waveform. It'll clean it up a whole bunch. Also, don't forget the power of EQ! I noticed a lot of mud in this mix, and every track/sound in this track could definitely benefit from some non-destructive EQ (meaning reducing gain instead of increasing gain).

The corny feel has been a big problem for me. I've been getting better at it but still working on it. Recently I've been taking popular hip hop tracks and trying to figure out how to recreate some of the sounds that I think sound good. Have any tips on sound engineering these things? I think you definitely have some knowledge in that area judging by your track you posted up!

Also what is a transient shaper? I agree that I need to cut the tail a little bit. It's clashing with the sub a bit as my sidechain is trailing off.

And yeah the EQ'ing is the next big step here. Still learning that too so here's to me figuring this shit out haha.

Love that oriental feel that you have on this track. As said before though, the kick is a bit too strong. Composition it really good though, everything blends together really nice.
Keep up the good work! (followed you on soundcloud)

Thanks man! I really focused on transitions in this track and I think my hard work payed off a bit. Thanks for the follow! Expect a followback!

Thanks for the awesome feedback guys! I'll see if I can get a new version up sometime this weekend (starting off the semester again and shit is getting chaotic fast haha).
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The corny feel has been a big problem for me. I've been getting better at it but still working on it. Recently I've been taking popular hip hop tracks and trying to figure out how to recreate some of the sounds that I think sound good. Have any tips on sound engineering these things? I think you definitely have some knowledge in that area judging by your track you posted up!

Also what is a transient shaper? I agree that I need to cut the tail a little bit. It's clashing with the sub a bit as my sidechain is trailing off.

And yeah the EQ'ing is the next big step here. Still learning that too so here's to me figuring this shit out haha.

Feel free to private message me with any questions! If you have a sound you'd really like to imitate I'll gladly try to explain my method of going about doing so.