New FL Studio Skin!!!

the 1st, 4th, and 6th picture

if u cud do somthin wacky like make the boxes on FL all different ,or variations ill upload u tones of stuff 8-)
Sounds good, I might take a while to finish this though. Got some other stuff to take care of but I'll be contacting you next week to let you know how things are going. =)
Along with producing tracks, just for fun I'll be "Bathing Ape" of FL Studio. I'm currently creating a Burberry skin. Holla if any of y'all want it. Brahmac 'bout to make FP make a new forum category. Anyone got any good sites for file hosting?
I'm gonna cancel that Burberry skin, its looks cluttered 'cause of the pattern (this isn't winamp). I'm thinking of making some sleek and "expensive" looking, like a BMW theme or "black and gold". Holla back
Alright, Got your skin to work. It's nice, But one suggestion. I noticed that when recording, The button only get's dimmer. I dont know how many time's since ive had this skin today only, That i've recorded over a patern, Forgetting about the record being left on. No biggy, But it'd help to have a Redish tint atleast.

Btw, I'll be waiting on more skin's.
The Throneholder said:
Anyone got any good sites for file hosting?

After ENOUGH damn research I found 2 excellent free file hosting sites with basically no limitations. Files up to 50 MB unlimited bandwidth and hotlinking.


Took me a while to find something free as good as these.
west12always said:
how did u do it??

Do what? you talkin to me?

...actually if you go to my myspace page my flash mp3 player and the music his hosted off 1 of those sites.
There's so many different skins I could bang out but the main things that it difficult is 1.some parts stretches, which is not good for patterns(that why i stop the burberry theme 2.the time it takes making this crap. I was making a skin today that replaced the step sequencer buttons with white and pink diamonds on black panels with gold trim, but it just too dark. If any of y'all got an idea of a good skin holla at me. I'm think about Louis Vuitton or changing FL studio to a MPC 4000.
dood, make a really good 'cubase' skin, and you could sell it i bet...

id give ya 10-20 bucks for it....

I'll get to work on both the MPC and Cubase theme. Just bear with me, AIGHT!!! Highkoo just gimme ya email, you aight gotta pay for it. Pretty soon FL studio would have its own section on if this keeps going. Esthetix is that Meta site any good. Imma still try filecabin it seems aight.