Need A Program For Timstretching!!!


New member

I have used Cubase for years now and used to be happy with the "sizing applies timestretch" function. That is basically when u make the sample either speed up or slow down by making it smaller or bigger respectively.

HOWEVER, I have tried to do this on my last 2 versions of Cubase but it seems to just mess up the sample. Anyone have this same experience?

I was wondering if there are good programs I could try that allow a similar process. I mostly try to slow down pieces of samples or vocals.

Any Ideas?

Appreciate any help,

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Audacity - it has three pitch/time related functions as standard as well as some additional plugins created by 3rd parties.

Change Tempo - keep the same pitch
Change Pitch - keep the same tempo
Change Speed - change tempo and pitch
You HAVE very nice time stretching in Cubase (I use Cubase 5). Dbl click your sample, this opens the Audio edit window. Go to processes, then select time stretch. You have to enter in the original and desired BPM and voila you are done. The stretch by size works well when Cubase does a good job of guessing the tempo of your sample, but when it fails to guess it will screw it up when you adjust the size. I would skip adjusting the size and do the Audio Edit route instead as it is much more accurate.