Let Me Know If This Track is Worthy to be a SINGLE

to post soundcloud tags in your posts you need to do the following


this doesn't work as there is no such artist or track

if you just drop your link inside the tags the editor sometimes inserts a tag around the link and produces t...undcloud.com/your-artist-name/your-track-name[/soundcloud][/PLAIN]

you can fix this in the wysiwyg editor by selecting/highlighting the link and clicking on the unlink icon in the editor bar (the world with the red cross at the bottom right of it)
Nice man. I get what you're doing with the 90's feel and it sounds pretty good. I think the drums could have a little more character (particularly the snare), it would help make the song sound a little more unique and stand out. The drums just seem a little generic sounding in some ways. Regardless, I think it sounds pretty tight and the vocals are quality.