Does this have potential?


New member
So yeah, I just made this new beat, took me a while to make sure everything was okay. I don't know how I feel about it being really good. Well I mean, I think it's good, but what I think and what actually is are two different things. Please let me know how ya feel about it. Comment on my sound cloud what you liked about it, while also commenting on here what you liked about it but what you think I should add/change/take away from. Please!! And I'll return
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Nice drum roll at :30.
Not really a fan of the snare, its a little flat.
I like how the song progresses, its legit.
I think you could have switched up the drums here and there for some more contrast.
Dueling arrpeggios at the end were sick. Could maybe mix them a little better tho.
Yeah, I would def say this has potential, good work!!

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When you say the snare is flat? Do you mean the pitch in which it gives off? Cause I've thought about that too. I'm just glad you didn't say anything about the bass drum. I spent the most time on the bass.
^^^ yeah, its more "noise" than it is a "hit" or "crack" like an actual snare. Its got sizzle, but no body..
I can understand what you're saying. I feel like it was the only snare that felt the vibe of the song. I think it suits it more in the beginning but maybe should be changed when the melody(synths) start

I'm going to edit the track though now and change the drums up now though. I feel like I could make it sound more badass since I am an actual drummer.
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I feel this track need some work, i like how you built it up and at 1:35 it's going ham! But yeah the drums could use some change up and you should look more into arrangement! Good job tho' keep them comin!
I like the part at 1:01 min mark. The choirs and the synths sound good together. The next section is really cool too. It just needs to be mixed better. I dont think itd work as a song for a vocalist to get on, but I dont think you were going for that. Cool stuff. You should check out a mostly instrumental band called Salem. I think youd like them.