Disliking own tracks.

Never ditch an idea! Take a break and work on something else. That something else might put you back on track on your original idea.
You have to cut yourself short on whatever your doing that you don't like. don't be afraid to delete things you've spent lots of time on. Im referring to individual tracks in your song
This has happened to me in the past. It usually means two things: (1) that your creativity is lacking, either in your approach or sound or (2) you got bored with what you are creating because you listened to it too much by constant looping and playback.

If (2) just take a break, if (1) explore new sounds or different approaches. That will always inspire creativity.
When working on my tracks I find myself getting stuck and disliking what I am working on. I am wondering whether when I dislike my tracks in the middle of making them, should I ditch the track or keep going on it.

I´m quoting you some Max Martin stuff from a Time mag article:

With the mixing of Oops! ... I Did It Again, "after a week, Rami and I realized it sounded like shit," he says. "It didn't groove." So they scrapped it and went back to bar one. Two weeks of 18-hour-plus days later, the song was done. "It wasn't that we had an extreme deadline," Martin says. "That's just when you get psycho. That's when you get manic."

Imagine if they scrapped it when it did not sound good.

Learn to trust what you do. If you say that this song is good and that you know how to produce it to be a great song, then all that is to it is time.
But if you do not have the confidence to know that it´s a diamond in the rough and that your production will make it stellar, then it might be easier to give up.
Make sure you only produce the best of ideas. You gotta kill some darlings
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I think its good have multiple projects to work on as someone said. Sspend a few hours making a couple different skeletons, and work on your favourite one. N then when you start to get tired of it, build upon the other skeletons. And keep doing this when u get bored of working on each beat. Transitioning like this between the beats may also spark new ideas.
i go through this all the time and i believe it's a common problem every producer goes through. I often take breaks or work on another project whenever i start getting annoyed with the track i'm working on.
i keep the wack track remix them till i get a certain emotion that im feeling times , i change drums and melodies and even tempo til i get that track right '