Creating Basses (Like in low-freq bass cd's, some Cash Money stuff)

Can you create bass without software?

I'm just starting out in producing. I might be in the wrong place, but is there a way to create deep bass without having a software program? Is there hardware that can do the same effect? Are there any tutorials on the web on step by step to make bass? How do you get the bass to follow certain notes? Any help would be appreciated.

for reason 2.5 users, try making a nice sounding bass in subtractor and then to make it really phat you can run it through the scream 4 and set it to 'tape' and turn the compression up a good ways (even all the way). then just play with the settings... the tape compression from scream 4 is really good for compressing basses. ive gotten some really nice bass sounds using it. (if you don't use reason try using different compression plugins to help phatten the bass, start off with the threshold all the way up and set the ratio to around 3.0 - 8.0 and fast attack and release [i.e. turn them down a good bit]. then, turn up your speakers good and loud and start turning down the threshold till it starts compressing the bass. you will hear it get quieter, which means its compressing [i.e. squishing the range of volume available... or decreasing the dynamic range in other words] so then when its compressed a bit then turn the volume of the bass up to where it sounds loud again. so then, what you just did was to decrease the dynamic range and smoosh the waveform in a sense, and then bring the volume up which in effect raises the average volume level without raising the peak level. this is a very slight form of distortion, but it can really help the bass sound (a lot of compression will be more than slight distortion LoL, just not distortion like you would normally think of, but it's still distortion because it distorts the waveform [i.e. it changes the shape of the wavy lines you see when you zoom in really close on a wave file in a wave editor]). it's very easy to overcompress though, so be sparing with your compression because while a little compression can make it sound phat, too much can do the opposite of what you were trying to achieve and just flatten it way too much where it takes the life and punch out of it. once again experimentation is key, there are no fail safe settings cuz you are always gonna be passing in different types of audio. so the settings most always need to be tweaked for each sound, im just giving a good starting place.

also, if you are having trouble getting enough lows from a bass from say the subtractor in reason, patch in the peq-2 after your bass instrument and turn the freq all the way down, turn the q all the way down and then boost the gain till the lows get LOUD. you can get the lows to get way on up there, so just play with it.

the best thing to do is experiment.

btw this thread is awesome, keep it up!
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Extalin knows what he's saying, I've heard his incredible tracks! A genious if you ask me! :p

Like many have said, I like to layer my Basses with a low Frequency Sine Wave, to get that Sub Feel, and then a mid - to high frequency sound to avoid that muddiness. You want to give your bass some character like many have said here.

I applaud this thread. I applaud many of the ideas here, and I think this place sounds awesome. This is my first post here, and I don't think it's gonna be my last. You guys seem to be geniouses here.

I'm usually a regular at the Producers forum, just saw a link to this thread. Awesome site! :victory: Just had to say hello to you all. :hello:

I'm out now! Long live this thread! -Mental
bass software


hardware that can produce bass sounds are:

bass guitars
hardware synthesizers
hardware samplers....

if you're just getting into production, hardware is the way to go. start by maybe playing around with software to get the picture, but if you want to continue into the world of audio production, hardware is much more fun, more professional, easier to use, sounds better, and looks cooler :)

btw, hardware is quite a bit more expensive. smart purchases can get you far. PM me if you want some in depth tips.

Been going through this thread, and correct me if I'm wrong, but all these techniques are for synthesized bass right?

What if I play bass guitar and want to beef it up?
beefed up bass guit

all the tips on ocillators and different waves have to do with synths but to beef up a bass guitar you'd use filters and/or compression. the moogerfooger lowpass filter from i mentioned in an earlier post is tight and works well. the same company also has really nice compressors.

one night a long time ago i went mad for hours trying every effect & technique i could get my hands on to create a bass sound that would move me

what finally satisfied my hunger was CHORUS

note that i do not suggest that chorus is a universal solution to bass-related deficiencies, but it is certainly something to try.

one technique for using chorus on bass -- and some special bass chorus plug-ins or real-world boxes will do this internally -- is to split the signal at a particular frequency & put chorus only on the high end .. you can do this in many programs (or even with a real mixer) by creating a send channel, putting the bass sound through it, and putting on that channel A. a high pass filter and B. a chorus effect... if you like then you can put an LP on the clean signal (AFtER it's sent to the send), but that may not be necessary

in case you don't know, COMPRESSION, and EQ, and keep in mind there are all different kinds of compressors and EQs, many many so many, and they really are different. look especially for multi-band compressors, and learn how to use one effectively.

in general: don't assume all the action with a bass sound is in the low frequencies. it makes intuitive sense that the low frequencies are where it's at -- and to some extent they are -- but the whole sound is important.

in fact, a lot of what is subjectively experienced as bass is acoustically speaking higher frequencies.. frequencies that are heard as harmonics of a lower tone "imply" the low tone to the ear.. waves plugin "MaxxBass" for instance takes advantage of this principle

get yourself into a mixing environment and a state of mind where you can use effects with subtlety.. don't just use insert effects! use effect sends to create different versions of the sound, & then mix them with the original.. for instance, try putting the bass through a send & putting on a little flange & then LPing it & then mix it back in GENTLY... crazy things like that..!.. maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, you know? try stuff out!
Wow I may actually have something to contribute here :)

I'm not sure about the Nord Lead 2, but the 3 has a function called 'stacking' (opposite of the 'chords' function) .. it allows you to layer the same note for the same instrument up to 24 times I believe. This of course takes away from the polyphony but i've found that it adds much needed oompf to sub basses. I'm still exploring the NL3 trying to find the kind of subs you would hear in most newer Drum N Bass tracks .. especially Dillinja .. but I do not have any sort of EQ or effects (yet) so it's been a tough journey :) Good luck.


edit: cause I just tried it and you can stack up to 24 of the same note on top of eachother
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stacking = chorus

that's basically the same idea as what i was saying about chorus

"chorus" effects are just an attempt to imitate having more than one version of the same sound playing (just slightly "off" from eachother in pitch or timing or, usually, both)

but of course it's often even better to actually have more than one of the same patch/synth/whatever play the notes simultaneously (assuming the synth is one with some life to it & the sounds don't come out *exactly* the same)

hmm that makes me wonder what would happen if you took like a dozen of the same synth, controlled them all from one sequencer or keyboard & played the same/similar sounds all at once... anyone ever tried that?

hmm you could get about the same result by recording a sequence repeatedly on the same synth, then mixing them together.. that's a practical suggestion!
I'll sometimes use a real slight delay on a send to thicken up my bass a bit....Too much can muddy things up tho....I think this is along the same idea as using Chorus mentioned above....In reason the unison device works effectively on bass as well , when used sparingly....I think they even recommend using it on basses in the manual/documentation
Doubling up your oscillators helps. I personally prefer using sawtooth and square waves for bass. The reason being is that they can both be reduced to sines with a low-pass filter but also give you harmonics to work with in the mid-ranges for the "humming". Basslines are often not just bass but midrange too. Sine waves I find are only really useful for kicks. It doesn't do you much good to layer bass on bass (actually it can do a lot of harm to your mix), but rather adding mid--range to bass will phatten up the sound.
Aoism, stacking, for anyone who would like to know , is also referred to as Unison mode in analogue sunths. It stacks on groups a number of layewrs to create a mono mutha of a note. The Jupiter6/8 had one of the best unison modes ever built.
Re: chorus!

mungojelly said:
in fact, a lot of what is subjectively experienced as bass is acoustically speaking higher frequencies.. frequencies that are heard as harmonics of a lower tone "imply" the low tone to the ear.. waves plugin "MaxxBass" for instance takes advantage of this principle
Ah Yes...Harmonics...great tip!!!!!!!!!:victory:
hello everyone, I have a problem when I record my BASS GUITAR.

I have a set up as follows:


After i have set the parametric eq to the tone i want, i set the compressor(i want to keep it fixed in the mix so i set it: about 15db of redution, with 8:1 ratio and auto attack/release on)

The problem is this, I get a "bubbling" sound, (like blowing through a straw in ya drink) when i play the bass where the auto release come on/off on/off on/off... and i dont know how to stop it (yes i did turn the auto off :-) but it still happens even when i set it manually)

I want to get a nice clean polished tone( something like a Seal track or a early nineties madonna justify my love, erotica etc) basically a clean r'n'b tone.

What am i doing wrong? Am i missing something in my set up or have i got them in the wrong order, or wrong compressor set up?

please please please help me.