Can I turn these into make shift bass traps?


New member
I don't much about acoustics or density with material, but I know that my studio isn't treated at all and has many dips and corners. So I'm wondering if I can use this material as make shift bass traps. I have a lot excess. IMG_20131218_183349_405.webp
yes, but I would be inclined to go to

Steven P. Helm: DIY Bass Traps and explore the possibility of buying the necessary gear and making them yourself

or go to

Recording Drums (- don't forget to click on each tab at the top as the material is layered behind each tab)

and really explore designing and building your own - you have the frequency profile you need to build to
I was looking at that diy before. Those aren't better than store bought are they? Because I think I can get some high end ones for Christmas
they are better than store bought because you can structure them to match your acoustic profile as you build them

put another way there is no such things as a one-size fits all bass trap - each one is designed to cover a range of frequencies that may not match your specific room requirements
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So both of the sites have instructions, but none of them really mention how to react to the numbers you gave me. Like the DIY just stacked his bass absorbers to the ceiling.