akai mpd 24 pads

Terms of the TF and the MPD24, they are very similar in regards to the faders/knobs. However, the MPD24 does offer much more and better build than the similar TF knocking the TF out of the 3, leaving it pK vs the MPD24.

Again, just my two cents...
lanlan said:
Terms of the TF and the MPD24, they are very similar in regards to the faders/knobs. However, the MPD24 does offer much more and better build than the similar TF knocking the TF out of the 3, leaving it pK vs the MPD24.

Again, just my two cents...

Much more? Better build? Stop it...like where have you heard about the bad build of the Trigger Finger that they just fall apart or were being returned to M-Audio for being inadequate in features, like I challenge catz that like to talk about the TF's build when they don't own or use one extensively. Also I don't know if it can, but the pads themselves on the TF are midi controller assignable which I not am not sure the other two offer, which may be over kill, but if you paid for the thing, it's a feature you're welcome to use.

Like on these forums, catz always say stuff about M-audio quality, but let's keep it real, their products do what they do...they work. Like unless you're talking "feel" as in keyboard then I can understand, because with the keys that quite significant. But even in the area of feel, the TF still shines...the main reason that we buy these controllers are there drum pads, and in that department that's what really shines about these controllers especially if your used to using the MPCs...the pads are legit, and I know you can't say that the pads on the pk and MPD are better than the TF. I will say it, I prefer the bigger pads of the TF and MPD24, but I like "snare roll" bless korg's heart...but ultimate it's about the pads, and the TF have very good pads.

But I am willing to put it to a test, I can put up my TF against anyone's pk and MPD24, drop her a couple of times to prove or disprove her lack of "better build" and we can see who's going home with their drum pad (I personally think I'll be going home with my TF functionally in all). Like I can take, "I think these two controller are prettier than the TF" but to say "better build" and "offers much more"...I really like to hear your points of why because it leads catz that aren't familiar with a product to think that this is "gospel". Also I feel that catz like to pop shots because it's M-audio and just because the other controller are made by Korg and Akai that it got to be better. In a nutshell, it's bandwagon'ing and then it's a case of the blind leading the blind.
maxout said:
heh Xabiton just pull out knif..

well TAP TEMPO is just like u count the BPM[Beats per Min] Using one of the pad. so u tap the pad according to what ever speed/ tempo u want. or looking for

its self explenetory.
why? r u indicating that I should stab you or him?
lanlan said:
Obviously a TF owner ....haha


Dude, I can't even front, yeah I am...But I is a whore for hire, if there's something great under the sun, I'm always thinking about copping it...yeah I want 16 more pads to see if I can cause more damage, already have a TF, I could be like get another TF, but I'm like gimme that MPD24 (maybe the transport controls will come in handy). But I have no loyalty to none of these vendors or models, whether it's Motif vs Trition vs Fantom, FL vs Reason or PS vs Xbox...if they hot then I'm going to give them their props, if they not I got a million reasons why they ain't.
chadwik1914 said:
Much more? Better build? Stop it...like where have you heard about the bad build of the Trigger Finger that they just fall apart or were being returned to M-Audio for being inadequate in features, like I challenge catz that like to talk about the TF's build when they don't own or use one extensively. Also I don't know if it can, but the pads themselves on the TF are midi controller assignable which I not am not sure the other two offer, which may be over kill, but if you paid for the thing, it's a feature you're welcome to use.

Like on these forums, catz always say stuff about M-audio quality, but let's keep it real, their products do what they do...they work. Like unless you're talking "feel" as in keyboard then I can understand, because with the keys that quite significant. But even in the area of feel, the TF still shines...the main reason that we buy these controllers are there drum pads, and in that department that's what really shines about these controllers especially if your used to using the MPCs...the pads are legit, and I know you can't say that the pads on the pk and MPD are better than the TF. I will say it, I prefer the bigger pads of the TF and MPD24, but I like "snare roll" bless korg's heart...but ultimate it's about the pads, and the TF have very good pads.

But I am willing to put it to a test, I can put up my TF against anyone's pk and MPD24, drop her a couple of times to prove or disprove her lack of "better build" and we can see who's going home with their drum pad (I personally think I'll be going home with my TF functionally in all). Like I can take, "I think these two controller are prettier than the TF" but to say "better build" and "offers much more"...I really like to hear your points of why because it leads catz that aren't familiar with a product to think that this is "gospel". Also I feel that catz like to pop shots because it's M-audio and just because the other controller are made by Korg and Akai that it got to be better. In a nutshell, it's bandwagon'ing and then it's a case of the blind leading the blind.
1. The Trigger Fingers are cheap as are 95% of M Audios midi controllers. Feature wise nothing can really touch them but they cost really low for a reason. I also have had many people tell me about their trigger fingers breaking down after a few months especially the knobs.
2. Its a midi controller all of them are the cc values and whatever is something all midi controllers do. Simply put the Trigger Finger is nothing special.
3. Good pads are subjective. I hate the trigger finger and the PK pads. The PKs were just really hard responsive but hard at the same time. Didnt feel good to me at all. The trigger Finger pads were too soft. Felt like I was hittin a pillow and I dont like that I want the pad to bounce back at me some. Thats why I plan on keeping my mpd16 because I havent found a pad controller thats better.
chadwik1914 said:

Dude, I can't even front, yeah I am...But I is a whore for hire, if there's something great under the sun, I'm always thinking about copping it...yeah I want 16 more pads to see if I can cause more damage, already have a TF, I could be like get another TF, but I'm like gimme that MPD24 (maybe the transport controls will come in handy). But I have no loyalty to none of these vendors or models, whether it's Motif vs Trition vs Fantom, FL vs Reason or PS vs Xbox...if they hot then I'm going to give them their props, if they not I got a million reasons why they ain't.

I agree....I don't SWEAR loyalty to ANY brand...I buy WHATEVER works...LOL. Although I have to say...I sure as HELL wouldn't drop my TV set just to prove how well it is built...lol. No matter how WELL these things are built, they are not DESIGNED to be dropped. There are thousands of DELICATE electronic parts inside that dont function too well when they are damaged....

That being said...I bought the padKONTROL...as far as I am concerned, FEATURES is the MAIN reason to buy ANYTHING. I KNEW that lots of people felt that it was CHEAPLY made so I went to the store and tested one out...also tested out the Trigger Finger (which in MY opinion is actually of a LESSER build quality) I did NOT like the pads on the TF...they were too damn SQUISHY for me...and i have NEVER used an MPC...LOL. The pk just had the best feature set as far as I was concerned and i really wanted the RIBBON controller...I didn't care about the lights and all the assignable knobs because I don't really fool with that stuff anyway...and because I was able to haggle the price down to $150 I HAD to have it.

I think that a LOT of people think the pk is CHEAP because it is LIGHT...It weighs next to nothing (kinda feels like a toy)...BUT...it does EVERYTHING it is supposed to do and I have not had any problems with anything falling apart yet...I don't plan on throwing it up against the wall any time soon so I reckon I will get MUCH use ou of it before it dies...and when it does...I will probably buy another one....

i guess what I am trying to say is...

Different Strokes 4 Diffrent folks.....Ya Dig!

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chadwik1914, cheers man for sticking up! And to the rest too! Simply put, hey, we got a piece of the action (either mpd, tf, pK), at least we're all sporting something with 16 pads, I think we can all agree, that having ANY of these "Brands" are better than clicking a mouse, or a keyboard.

Some peeps like'em big and juicy, some like em small and tight...hey man, whatever gets the juices flowing :)
lanlan said:
Some peeps like'em big and juicy, some like em small and tight...hey man, whatever gets the juices flowing :)
that sounds more like pussy than it does a pad controller lol
Xabiton said:
1. The Trigger Fingers are cheap as are 95% of M Audios midi controllers. Feature wise nothing can really touch them but they cost really low for a reason. I also have had many people tell me about their trigger fingers breaking down after a few months especially the knobs.
2. Its a midi controller all of them are the cc values and whatever is something all midi controllers do. Simply put the Trigger Finger is nothing special.
3. Good pads are subjective. I hate the trigger finger and the PK pads. The PKs were just really hard responsive but hard at the same time. Didnt feel good to me at all. The trigger Finger pads were too soft. Felt like I was hittin a pillow and I dont like that I want the pad to bounce back at me some. Thats why I plan on keeping my mpd16 because I havent found a pad controller thats better.

Let me just say this I have had the TF and the 88 keystation pro , even if I wanted to call them cheap I couldn't, used to work at GC part time, never saw them come back or heard about those kind of issues. Like it think it still is a matter of preference...is it a fair reflection of the product itself. It's like the debate about Toyotas and Nissans, I think Toyotas are probably a little more relable than Nissans, but does that mean Nissans are a$$, nah it don't, coz the two are too close in relablility so it's really a matter of prefence.

Back to M-audio, like I don't know about what model you're referring to as being so I really can't contest your comment, so I'll just keep an look out on the forums for owners TF owners with decombustable TFs, and then I'll admit I'm wrong. But in the end, if you feel that you need the pad to bounce back at ya...enuff to take out an eye...who am I to judge....to each his own. But not able to find nothing better than the "mpd16"...no offense man, it was the MPD16 that sent me over to TF, the pads were terrible (hard and stiff no where near the feel of the MPC, thought I was gonna break a finger...ok now I'm streching the truth) and there was something else about it had "no velocity lock" or "no velocity curves", the only thing I like about it was the size. Anyway the only reason I'm now considering the MPD24 coz I heard that they changed the pads. But if that's you're thing, keeping doing the do...but I can't help but think you must be a "tough crowd" if you don't consider a pK, mpd24 or TF better or an upgrade over the mpd16, coz they're all great pads, sure they got their pros and cons, but what product is perfect?

Also yes "midi controller all of them are the cc values", but not all midi controller will allow you to use an "interface" (knob, button, fader, pad, key) to be used for both note assignments or midi controller numbers, like usually the knobs, faders, buttons are used for assignment midi controller to modulate things like pitch cutoff filter, pwm width and the keys usually for note assignment. TF allows you to use the pads for midi cc assignment and use the velocity and pressure sensitive to modulate different synth parameters, pretty sure that the MPD16 can't do this and I am still trying to get a hold of the MPD24's manual but when I inquired about this feature in the other drum pads, I was told that probably only the TF and pK which uses the x-y axis to accomplish this. It's one of those features that probably no one ever really cares to use but cool nonetheless.
most programs will allow u to change the ccs to keys if u program it correctly. ive done it in reason a few times as well as cubase and live. Its all in the learn functions. As far as the mpd pads being hard Akai screwed up on the usb output most people didnt take the time to hook it up via midi cable and wall plug and assumed that the mpd just sucked if u use a regular midi cable and power it via the wall its very responsive. its a great little controller and Id take it any day over the trigger finger. I really just didnt like the Pad Kontrol. But Im the guy who doesnt care for long feature lists when I know other ways of getting the job done I want a unit thats good at what it needs to be good at in the case of the mpd16 thats controling notes via the pads. I havent tried the mpd24 yet to know how it stands up but I know that I do not like the Trigger Finger or the Pad Kontrol. I havent seen people on these forums complain about any controller except for the MPD16 you may want to look around other sites but most of the complaints i hear about them are from people I know offline. As far as other M audio controllers being cheaply made I myself have a Radium 49 its an ok controller but it feels really cheap on the keys ive had it for 2 years. One of my faders just stopped working last week and I am thinking about getting a keystation pro even tho the keys on it dont feel hammer weighted to me at all. When I think of hammer weighted keys I think of the Fantom X8 those are nice hammeraction keys. So in that respect the maudios feel cheap.
here is a Picture showing you how to setup the MMC controls with the akai mpd 24 in cubase/nuendo...
If that picture dosent show hit me up in a PM and i'll show you how to doit iight

Any idea about how to set up the MPD24 MMC controls with FL Studio 6?
I tried, and tried again... But nothing... :confused:
My questions is concerning the sensitivity MPD24 versus the PK.

I want to know which one has more sensitive pads. I really would like sensitive pads as I don't want to bash the pads that hard to get a response. I had the MPD 16 for about a month and returned it because the noise of me hitting the pad was louder than the drum coming out of the speaker.

Can anyone comment if the pads on the mpd24 are different than the mpd16 and also how do the 24's pads compare in sensitivity to the PK?
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i am sure the MPD24 has better pad than any other controller. most people has compared it to MPC2500 some.. so it must be good.

also comparing to PK it don't even have the pads big enuf..

i just don't see PK as Hiphop producer or beat makers choice.


to get the 100% of satisfaction just go to local store if they have MPD for sale or if your lucky on demo..

and try it.

but i have no dought its best best one out there.
I was reading through this post and i saw a couple of people looking to have a function similar to the roll feature on the korg padkontrol.The pad kontrol is basically just using an arpeggitator to make the roll sounds.If you have an x-y controller this can easily be done.I used the slider on the MPD16 to control the speed and got close to the same effect,but i prefer to just make the rolls on the pads,in my opinion the PK rolls just don't sound even close to real.I have read many debates about korg padkontrol and actually almost bought it.A good friend of mine did buy it.After he had it about a month he told me he never used the roll feature and I have read similar reviews.There is actually a good review on you tube just search Padkontol.I actually ended up buying the MPD16 because of the extremely low price(99.00$ us).I have been very impressed with it and have no complaints especially considering the price.I have not had any sensitivity problems(in response to twigg's post) at all and actually made the pads a little less sesitive.I mainly use the MPD16 with reason 3,but I also use it with ableton 5,battery 3 and cubase with great results.I will say that the pads lighting up on the PK is an awesome feature and very live performance oriented.Akai has won big points with me as far as price vs value.The best advice I can give is research as much as possible and then buy what you want from a place that has a good return policy like musiciansfriend.If anyone has any questions feel free to message me.
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Twigg said:
My questions is concerning the sensitivity MPD24 versus the PK.

I want to know which one has more sensitive pads. I really would like sensitive pads as I don't want to bash the pads that hard to get a response. I had the MPD 16 for about a month and returned it because the noise of me hitting the pad was louder than the drum coming out of the speaker.

Can anyone comment if the pads on the mpd24 are different than the mpd16 and also how do the 24's pads compare in sensitivity to the PK?
should have used a normal midi cable then u wouldnt have had to do all of that
I use a USB cable and have no problems.When I first used the MPD16 with battery 3 it was only triggering half the time and there was a delay before the sound would have be triggered, it was awful,I ended up changing the output device from ASIO multimedia to ASIO directX the difference was night and day alot of times small changes in the setting can really affect some MIDI device,at least that is in my experienmce.
since i stopped using the usb cable on my mpd16 I never had times of no response when i hit the pad it responds