akai mpd 24 pads

Im very aware of this. Ive been using Reason since 2003 I bought version 2.0 got the 2.5 update for free and bought 3.0 a year ago. Ive used vsts and theyre ok but I think theyre over priced. I also have sonar home studio which I have been known to use as a rewire host. If I were to go back to vsts I would use Sonar which is the only reason i still have it because I would much rather do all of my work in reason.
that sounds cool

i like reason, battery and some point guru which i tried so far and they all sound nice to me.. i have lot of beats done on reason too.

i am big fan of sonar as well but cubase sound more solid. i have used it at my buddys house. but i can't wait to get my hand on MPD24. i am so pissed that akai is so lame in product release. ;(
Drum Roll or Note Repeat Function...PadKontrol? MPC?

Kinda lost on which product either the MPC or PadKontrol has a Note Repeat function or drum roll Function...I have seen posts that seem to mention both as the same function, which I think there not, but I would like some one to clear this up for me if they can.

Like my brother has a MPC and I think it has "note repeat" and this function would used if you wanted the continuous high hat sounds more noticed in the southern beats, and all you had to do was hold down the pad and it would fire off. However I have seen the demo of the PadKontrol and played around with her, it had a Roll function that allowed with the use of the X-Y slider to provide a drum roll sound (it was cool), and a Flam function which doubled your triggers. I couldn't find a "note repeat" function, so does the PadKontrol have a a "note repeat" function? Is the "flam" function the same as the "note repeat"? Also since this "note repeat" is produced by the midi pad controller which does not have a sequencer, is the "note repeat" accurate in it's timing? Coz how would it now the trak's tempo?

Yes Roll is the same as note repeat. Other companies use different lingo on their products. You should be able to use midi sync in your sequencer to get it to sync up to the tempo you're working with....
I got the Pad Kontrol and the Axiom 25 so I have 24 pads all together and some keys. I'm in heaven with my set up. Fawk the mpd 24 akai is Bullshatting on relasing it anyway, but if it ever comes out i'll check it out and if I like it i just might buy one but I'd say cop a pad kontrol.
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the basic here is that if you can find software/vsti which can offer a note repeat or flam or roll what ever than u can or Should be able to controller it with MPD24. its just that KORG being smarty pents they just have it on board so u don't have to mess around with assigning stuff that if you can assign.

I say overall MPD24 would be good. b/c of pads and the build quality.
i dont like korg stuff. not big fan. i am tryin to get mpd24 since last 2 months no luck. but anyway i will have my peacz in few months.

i sugget someone make some video and post it here who ever got the stuff.

plus there is new Battery 3 out lolz if you can fix all your MPD24 features with BaTT3 than you have same thing or more than PK.

Yes Battery 3 rox! Making all of the USB PADS much more awesome...but making the MPD better than the pK ? Hahaha
whats so special about the PK to make it better than the mpd? I didnt like it and the X-Y pad wasnt impressive to me.
Nothing, but you are so quick to say the MPD is BETTER.... 16 pads is 16 pads

"but sir, he started...."

BTW, doesn't he sound like a true Akai MPC only type of user? (shh, there are rumors that some top hiphop producer is dropping his akai...and it's freaking you guys out...HAHAHAHA)
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I didnt say it was better tho. I said I wasn't impressed by the PK. The pads didnt feel good to me and the only thing that made it "special" was the X-Y pad which I felt was impressive. I mean if it works it works but Im curious what else is it about the PK that make people like it so much?
DopeFiend said:
I use the MPD16 and Reason. I can turn on note repeat for my pads easily, even cut each other off. I don't see what the hype is for a button.

For the repeat button, will FL or Reason actually record midi for the repeats on to the sequencer?

I was thinking maybe you'd still have to turn on note repeat in the software for it to actually record the repeats.

^spread the knowledge how u do that with mpd16 and reason??
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and lol @ the justblaze reference. i think we all know u dont need a mpc but they are so damn sexy its hard not to want one. Well except for the 500 u couldnt pay me to take one of those. Well and keep it that is
Xabiton, cool cool, i thought you were starting a fight..lol

But ya, at this point, choosing a padKontrol, MPD24, or Trigger finger is basically superficial and depends on your needs past the 16 pads (ie, knobs, faders, ribbon controller etc).

At this point, i'm sure many agree, it's normally the pK vs the mpd24, both great choices, and you won't go wrong with either.

I used to have a MPD16 and wanted to upgrade, I ended up going with the pK. Some of its features are: 1x1 midi interface, assignable foot pedal, x-y ribbon controller (a la kaoss), 2 assignable knobs, rolll, flam, hold buttons, and hey..the buttons light up!!! :)

The MPD24 is quite impressive with it's 8 faders and 8 knobs, transport control, lcd display. I do like the fact that the LCD is alphanumeric as opposed to the led display on the pK...

They are both impressive, and again, having either one is better than nothing...
I never look to start fights. People usually are fast to get offended by my innocent discussion. No worries tho good to see an objective point of view on the subject. I still have my mpd16 and love it I see no reason to "upgrade".
Yah... this topic is supposed to be about compare and contrast so the best gear can win the prize lolz.

But its more about i got PK and i am not gona admit that PK is not good as MPD or MPD is not good as PK.

just buy what u like and use it. Don’t have to be <img src="../assets/smilies/bat_angel.gif" border="0" alt="" title="Bat" smilieid="16" class="inlineimg" /> about it..

i like MPD24 Over PK. i have Seen PK and i don't like it. Plus here are my Final OPINION/words on PK. and why i would not buy PK over MPD

Korg PadKontroller

  • pads - 80% quality
  • Design - colors are not good
  • Functions
XY Pad - i have no use for it. i never hear no HIPHOP beats with lots of phasing and fade-in crap. lolz plus I own KAOSS pad from KORG and i don't like those cheesy effects they are for rookie djs. Yes I been there.
Flam - well nice feature but u can assign 1 of the knob in mpd + reason/redrum/battery3
Roll - same u can do that in battery 3 now.. so no biggy
4. Too small in size
5. Looks Cheap Looks like its KORG


  • good design/colors/shape
  • Pads look lot bigger and more like MPC -hope they have same feeling.
  • MMC controls is important - don't have to play with mouse
  • Sliders/knobs helps assigning the volume/pitch/Eq may be and stuff.
  • It’s late on production ... yes its AKAI.
  • I sure will buy it.
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Tap Tempo....

Pardon my ignorance, but what exactly is 'tap tempo' and what function does it play in beat production?

...tha NCon4Myst...
Pardon my arrogance but wtf does tap tempo have to do with the mpd24 start your own thread or look it up
heh Xabiton just pull out knif..

well TAP TEMPO is just like u count the BPM[Beats per Min] Using one of the pad. so u tap the pad according to what ever speed/ tempo u want. or looking for

its self explenetory.
lanlan said:
But ya, at this point, choosing a padKontrol, MPD24, or Trigger finger is basically superficial and depends on your needs past the 16 pads (ie, knobs, faders, ribbon controller etc).

At this point, i'm sure many agree, it's normally the pK vs the mpd24, both great choices, and you won't go wrong with either.

Disagree, in my opinion it's the TF and MPD24 hands down. pK isn't bad at all, the snare roll function is "BLAZE", but if you're looking at overall...the TF and MPD24 have it down, like you pay to play and if you really time the time to go over their features you'd be surprised about the other possiblities like pad modulation, take away that Snare Roll with the X-Y axis and I don't know if everyone would be making as much noise about it as they do...also if the other two had the "snare roll" would ya'll really make as much noise about her.

Also the pads on the TF and MPD24 give a lot of play, I know catz want to complain about sensivity at times, but I don't think that they have really taken the time to read the manual and play around with velocity curves, also I have noticed that sometimes it varies from app to app (ie RMIV to Redrum). I prefer the TF, but thinking of copping MPD24 as a second pad controller so I have 32 pads and really see if there is a evident difference in feel of pads btw the two.