Bryan Probst

I recently purchased this and am very happy with it, but overwhelmed with the instructions. I can record a song using one or two voices, but when I try to couple with the multi-pad features everything records except the multipad sounds. Any suggestions would be helpful. Thanks.
Do you know how to record on track 2 of the psr-550 and play it back with track 1 to make a complete song.cus when i record on track one it works and in rehersal for track 2 track 1 plays while i pratice for 2 and track 1 plays as i play but when i save track 2 it does show up on the track 2 button and it wont play with track 1 can you help me please?
i got a 550 but i don't use it to sequence if i mess around with the sequencer then i'll let you know something.