Why I do what I do



Rap is an amazing style of music, however I had always been displeased with the content of many secular rap songs. One thing I could admire though was their flow. Oftentimes even when their lyricism was pretty much crap the way they said what they said was sometimes awesome. The rhythm of the lyrics in and of itself made songs incredibly catchy, and convinced a listener to continue listening.

As a Gospel rapper my goal is not fame or fortune, though in time I will inevitably be given those. My goal is to tell as many people about Jesus and every person's need for forgiveness as I can. The reason I choose rap as a medium is because not only am I blessed with musical talent, but also because rap is so popular. People will listen to the Gospel if it's presented with a dope beat and sick lyrics. I have seen it personally. After I told a friend of mine that I was a Gospel rapper he laughed at me for a good three minutes. Though I was being ridiculed I was not angry, and I laughed with him. After he stopped laughing I showed him one of my songs and he bluntly told me that it was the best thing he had ever heard and that he would like me on Facebook and subscribe to my youtube channel TestamentRapper. It was very uplifting to see the sort of power God had given me to talk to people through music. I am now prepared to do the same to anyone I can. However I know that there are areas that I need improvement on, which is why I am getting connected. The other reason is to meet people. So hit me up if you want to say hi, collab, etc.
Peace brother! Props on your mission. My little two cent is to take people deep into who "Jesus" is so they will want to know more info about him. Stay alert and imformed on answers to questions people have. The word of God (in my little two cent) goes deeper than just praise and talking about the love He has and what not. People must have reasons why, and you as a rapper can provide that for them. I always say that is the problem with gospel "rap".....always something missing. But stay encouraged. Peace!

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Rap is an amazing style of music, however I had always been displeased with the content of many secular rap songs. One thing I could admire though was their flow. Oftentimes even when their lyricism was pretty much crap the way they said what they said was sometimes awesome. The rhythm of the lyrics in and of itself made songs incredibly catchy, and convinced a listener to continue listening.

As a Gospel rapper my goal is not fame or fortune, though in time I will inevitably be given those. My goal is to tell as many people about Jesus and every person's need for forgiveness as I can. The reason I choose rap as a medium is because not only am I blessed with musical talent, but also because rap is so popular. People will listen to the Gospel if it's presented with a dope beat and sick lyrics. I have seen it personally. After I told a friend of mine that I was a Gospel rapper he laughed at me for a good three minutes. Though I was being ridiculed I was not angry, and I laughed with him. After he stopped laughing I showed him one of my songs and he bluntly told me that it was the best thing he had ever heard and that he would like me on Facebook and subscribe to my youtube channel TestamentRapper. It was very uplifting to see the sort of power God had given me to talk to people through music. I am now prepared to do the same to anyone I can. However I know that there are areas that I need improvement on, which is why I am getting connected. The other reason is to meet people. So hit me up if you want to say hi, collab, etc.
Not trying to turn this into a theological thread, but you should PM Tone (Fataltone) that's his specialty non-secular music. Good luck on your journey my friend.
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glad to see someone down with Yahweh here

keep doing your thing hit me up anytime

-Coach Antonio
My goal is to tell as many people about Jesus and every person's need for forgiveness as I can.

Now that your in the business of saving souls, your musical development is on the redundant path of connecting with those who are spiritual lost. After all, your goal is to tell as many people about Jesus and every person's need for forgiveness as you can. You can tell to 10000 people per month with my help, are you ready for that? Those who live a forgive life have other responsibilities, most of which revolve around spreading the word, bringing people to church, providing spiritual support, etc. I suggest you learn to influence others to take action by connecting with them using your music, those are your responsibilities also. Usually, the best way to complete these task is by sharing the word when they're ready to receive it and even when they're not. Your music should entice the listeners spiritual curiosities and wonders, while leading them closer to understanding the word. You'll need to fund this entrepreneurial en devour; therefore, learn the music business well, connect with other who can help, be responsible with and count the blessings given to you.

Get at me or further assistance...
Thanks man I really appreciate the advice. I'll definitely get in touch with you.
Christian Rap only sounds like a contradiction to those who don't know the history of rap.

As an Atheist I hear a lot of Christan's say stuff that is not going to appeal to people living outside their Christian bubble, I am not talking about belief vs disbelief here, what I mean is Christians often try to motivate people with shit that is actually de-motivational from an outside perspective, for example people take exception to being told that they are defective and therefore they need to be saved, especially if this statement is coming from someone who considers themselves as saved, it is viewed as a personal attack from an arrogant impersonal position, it's even more offensive to those of us who view it for what it really is, a threat with an ultimatum, ask Jesus to save you from Jesus. Now this doesn't mean that Christians are deliberately presenting an ultimatum, in fact I would say it demonstrates how caring and compassionate Christians can be, I mean if you think someone is in danger, warning them is the right thing to do, mind you there are some who do try to use that shit to coerce people to assimilate so that they can live in an even bigger Christian bubble, which brings me to an important point.

Not everyone is motivated by the same thing, for example Lecrae was motivated by self preservation, keeping a Bible in his car like it was a lucky rabbits foot that protected him from harm etc, whereas other people are not motivated by such self interest, like there are two kinds of people who profess to be Christians those who's morality guides them to Jesus and those who's lack of morality guides them to Jesus, those who give to charity because they are morally compelled to do so and those who seek God's favor, those who want to save others and those who want others to vote Republican.