where can i find good Acapellas to latest songs

Also, if you have any kind of studio/recording set-up-- make use of it. Record yourself or other singers doing a few lines from the song you are looking for acapellas from... Make sure they do their best impression of the original vocalist; also make sure they are doing it in the correct key.
Cut them up, put on a disc or load into your sampler(s)/Ableton/whatever, and off you go...

Why not just create your own music... why are you looking for other people's music. On top of that looking for accapellas to the "latest" that's like not even giving them a chance to circulate before sampling them.

Surely in music production, you are free to do as you please. Creativity shouldnt be limited:)
Why not just create your own music... why are you looking for other people's music. On top of that looking for accapellas to the "latest" that's like not even giving them a chance to circulate before sampling them.

I can't tell if you're trolling or being serious. Unless he's going to be releasing acapellas and presenting them as if he's the artist that is singing, I don't know how anything he makes with them wouldn't be him creating his own music.