WHat's this Effect / Sound?


Hi All!

Was wondering if anyone could tell me what this effect or sound (or both) is that comes in in this track at 34 seconds?


The effect that's like a pulsy lfo'd kind of lead sound.

Trying to decipher it. What I'm getting at the moment is like I said above, it's high octave lead sound with an lfo on it to me. Maybe with a low decay and sustain, and no attack or release in the ADSR to keep it momentary, and the resonance high as it's very high end, almost like it's high pass filtered.

EDIT - Actually, I just opened the Subtractor on Reason without even adjusting the oscillators and just put the cut off quite high as well as the resonance and it sounds pretty close without even lfo'ing it.

I just wondered if anybody into old skool house or Chicago style house might have been able to shed more light as to what particular effect this might be or how it was achieved or if it had a specific name of any sort?

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Probably two oscs tuned a fifth apart, but otherwise there's not much going on besides what you've already described - although filter-wise I don't think there's much resonance and the cutoff seems almost wide open, it's just playing high notes. There's some vibrato (in other words, LFO to osc pitch), which is probably controlled by mod wheel. This isn't a particular effect, it's just a basic synth lead. Most of the oldschool Chicago dudes didn't usually have any high-end stuff, but of course most of the synths from those times are now considered "vintage" even if they were entry-level cheapo stuff back then.
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Probably two oscs tuned a fifth apart, but otherwise there's not much going on besides what you've already described - although filter-wise I don't think there's much resonance and the cutoff seems almost wide open, it's just playing high notes. There's some vibrato (in other words, LFO to osc pitch), which is probably controlled by mod wheel. This isn't a particular effect, it's just a basic synth lead. Most of the oldschool Chicago dudes didn't usually have any high-end stuff, but of course most of the synths from those times are now considered "vintage" even if they were entry-level cheapo stuff back then.


Yes I just found out the Korg Poly 61 was used in Chicago House, as well as the obvious TB-303 and 808's/909's.
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