What Piece Of Equipment Do U Guys Want For Xmas?


New member
If You Only Had The Choice Of Buying/getting One Piece Of Equipment This Christmas What Would It Be??

For Me Its The M3...even Tho Ima Buy It This Weekend, Thats The Machine Im Gearing Towards.

damn ur buyin an M3... BALLLIN!!!!

ima ask santa for a Yamaha MM6, and a turntable, and some money so i can buy a ps3 or xbox 360
I need some good headphones for college next year. Cant be blasting my music through the dorm. Dont have any clue which ones to get though.
And maybe a new turntable.
damn, i thought the thread was askin what your asking for. Not IF you could get 1 piece of gear.

in that case....
i want a Digidesign ICON Pro Tools HD Accel 3 package from sweet water. Lol.
record money and a new dj mixer ........... and a partrige in a peartree
I cant wait until Christmas, I just need money cause my parents never get me any equipment.
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