What needles can i get for Numark TT-1700?

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Hi pplz could anyone help me where i can get the needles for 2 Numark
tt-1700? cheap but good ones.
do you want to scratch? if so, there's only so cheap you can go. i recommend shure m44-7's, and i recommend them particularly as a way to offset those um limited turntables.
what do you mean by um limited turntables? and those are too expensive and yes i scratch, is it recomended to get a headshell? and if so then why is it? is numark cx1's good?
you're going to have to make up for the tables somehow. they're only going to get you so far. weak torque, no height adjustment (if i'm remembering right), lousy tone-arm, are some of your major sticking points. you're going to have to get a headshell because good scratch carts won't attach to the headshell that the good folks at numark gave you. cheap equipment like those tt's always makes you spend more money in the long-run, and this run hasn't even been that long yet. the 44-7's will help somewhat, but trust me: you'll be replacing those decks and pissed off at numark or whoever sold them to you within a month anyway.
I don't think it's necessary to get new headshells. M44-7s are something like $100 for a pair.

I'm sure there's a cheaper cart you could start out with.

What's your budget anyway?
the 44-7's won't fit on the numark "headshell," at least not in my experience.
thanx fer the info but i thought that company was good tell me more about them im just a beginer if u can and what do you mean by the turntables are going to make me spend in the long run? like what would i have to spend more in the long run? i got those 2 tables fer free im getting a mixer for it NUMARK DM 1002X for $50.00.
ok, first off ANY tables are good for free. so that's something.

but even first off before the above first off: those tt's are belt-driven. i didn't realize that. for scratching, this is a no-no. belt-drive tables will not withstand even the most minimal scratching. so here's what i would do if i were you: i'd sell those table on ebay to someone who can use them, and buy yourself some used techs or vestax tables. you need direct drive. there's no way around that.

also, what i mean about spending money in the long-run is that cheap equipment will limit you in many ways, and you'll find yourself either spending money to try to get around those limitations, or replacing the cheap stuff almost immediately.
thanx but y cant i use the belt driven tables for scratching? and if i shouldnt use the belt driven, so tht means i shouldnt get the mixer too rite?
i wouldn't buy it. For the $400 after shiping you could of bought yourself a brand new sl-1200mk2 if you look hard enougth. As for carts on your current tables, the m44-7 probably won't help too much, and they cost around $75 ea.
o ok thanks, so its basically a hastle to mentain and have those tt's so instead of those anyone could help me with some cheap but good tt packages?
price range: $400.00
From what I understand, you are not willing to shell out a lot of dough for a very quality setup. Thats ok, so the next best thing is a beginner setup, or something that comes all together.

Never buy anything with a belt drive. BBBBAADDDD!!!

The absolute best beginner set for the price was always the Numark phat pak, in my own expiereinces. They dont make them anymore, so if you can find a used one, go for it!!! Im selling one now, but just locally. I put it up on ebay once and it didnt sell, so im gonna wait a few weeks, but it will probably be gone by then.

Stanton in the past has made some fairly decent starter systems. Id look into those. Gemini and Stanton tables are apparently the same, but Stantons mixers are a little better, so I would not go with any gemini stuff.

American Audio has had some stuff. Not to bad, but defidently not the best. See what you find there. Im real cautious when I say that to.

Thats all I can think of right now. Some websites have pre-setup beginner sets. Try and find some of those. Most notably are

Those ring a bell. Might wanna check those out.

Now, im giving you advice most people on this board would never mention, unless they are putting it down. That is to buy a beginner set. Im not even suggesting it, but it is an option, and it seems what you are most interested in.

DJing is a very expensive hobby, so if you dont want to put down the money, it would be smart to not try. I spent a little over $1200 on all my equipment, and just in the past 2 weeks ahve bought $40 worth of vinyl. Im so broke right now, especially since I have no income, as im only 15.

Thats all I can think of for ya man. Ill get back to you sometime if you need anything.
haha, to say dj'ing is expensive is an understatement. I buy about 3-4 records a week, then there's always the dreaded box set that you can't pass up for $30 - $40. Needles will set you back $60 - $80 a pair, not to mention carts (as you're now finding out) which I paid about $200 for the pair. But the fact that I gave up my car insurance before dj'ing should show you how much pleasure you can get out of it. And hey, for me, that's an extra $250 a month strictly spent on records ...
Hello Everyone. Im pretty new to DJing and i have been reading this forum. I have the same TT's and i do not plan on scratching. I need a Headshell and Needle for both. Also a simple cheap mixer. What do you all suggest? Please Help.