What CPU?

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I never thought of that. I thought European power was 110-120 but just had a different frequency. My mother is taking a trip to Paris in Febuary, I might have to mention this to her.... So monitors are the same physical dimensions around the world, with the same resolutions all around (640x480, 800x600, 1024x768, 1280x1024(terrible res), 1152x864, 1600x1200)???

yep same res but u missed one out 1900xsomething its the next up from 1600x1200

don't mention 1200x1024 to me its the best i get and its too small

yep europe is 220-240volt at 50-60Hz thats why its a pain in the arse in getting import stuff with a buit in power supply it sucks.
Let's see what this 'ol Voodoo3 can do:

I can't stand any non-4:3 resolutions.... Terrible! I can't stand looking at a circle and seeing an elipse. I keep my res at 10x7,16bpp. Only a wee 17" monitor, with anything higher i'd go blind.... I get spoiled at my friends house, ~60" HDTV with a ATI Radeon AIW..... Awesome, just plain awesome..... :) Live platinum with quite the home entertainment center hooked up to it....

it is easier than you guys think actually...

I know what i am talking about, i recently moved from France to USA, and all i needed to do was:

Look at what voltage a machine needs (example: 9V DC 900Mah) and simply get a new power adaptor. Do NOT use the original one, don't try to convert anything.. simply imagine you got the machine in the country you are in, throw the original power adaptor in the trashcan, and get a new one.

Do this for each machine.

Also... PCs can work on ANY voltage, most of them have a switch in the back of the unit.


By the way... why did you guys talk abotu monitors, and resolutions?.. now these are all the same everywhere, i mean the rules are the same.
don't ask me, i just replied Mano.

this is meant to about CPU power, OK

i am going for the athlon 800, with an abit motherboard, diamond s540 AGP, ($hitty) SB 64PCI, my 4gig & 20gig hard drives, zip, floppy & cd drives, my too small 17in monitor, and hopefully a firewire card for video editing
also i need a some more RAM over the 256 i have and a CD-RW and new sound card
CELERON! To hell with P3's and AMD Athlons there both over priced, 766mhz Celeron for $176 can not beat that. Especially since you can clock it to well over that! Celeron is the best chip on the market. The only difference in it and the P3 is it has 1/2 the cache. Go with CELERON!
I can. Perhaps a Duron 800 for $74. Perhaps for those same $176 you can buy a 1Ghz Amd Thuderbird..... Plus, the CII's don't overclock as well as the originial celerons. The performance per mhz just isn't there with the celeron, either..... I don't think anyone knows why Intel kept the Celeron at 66mhz bus except maybe the OEM's have huge loads of PC66 SDRAM in warehouses and would be unhappy if Intel made them dump it.....

Oh, BTW. If your into RAM, now is the time to buy. The prices have just been dropping like crazy. 256mb PC133 is only $95 after shipping (US, that is)......

Yea buy you also have to look at what brand that ram is. That ram is probably the crap of crap ram. I would never buy any ram that was no name brand. IE(NEC)
RAM is RAM what ever u buy all the chips are built to the same standard, I agree with Whittey its time to buy as much as possible :D
stupid i know,i got a celron 700 + gigabyte motherboard, it was cheap and i can put a bigger CPU in later
Whitney, your right the price war on Ram is going crazy. I still remember when it was like 20 times more expensive. I think the price has dropped over 60percent in the last 8 months.
Forget everything I said in the past. do NOT buy any AMD processors.

Unless you want your USB devices to stop working, blue screens to op up here and there, and half of the future USB audio devices (digital mixers, sound cards, MIDI interfaces..) to not work.

I talked with people at Creamware (Pulsar), Event (the superb USB EZ-BUS!), and to some programmers of Native Instruments (Traktor, Reaktor...) and they ALL told me that a LOT of the protocols and features programs and hardware need are NOT handled by non Intel CPUs and motherboards, simply because Intel is the only one to have the right to use them all


Believe me I used to be a huge fan of AMD, but I regret what I got.
i only use NT so i am not allowed USB unless i get win2k, well i only want firewire so i can plug in a digital video camera, i'll get a Mac for that, and network my PC to it so i can have the best of both worlds