Vocal Sample: EDM Help


New member
Okay I've been producing a while now but there is something that's been really bothering me, I don't how to sample vocals like they do in the trap/ edm tracks? I've tried a number of ways with no luck. Can anyone please help me here? Like a step by step or just your take on making these sounds.

Here are some examples:

The vocal in the back is obviously Katy's voice.

The vocal sample starts at 0:57.

Thanks in advance :)
The first on just sounds like they took a section of a vocal sample, like a section of a word with a vowel sound and just threw it in a sampler and played a melody with it. And the second one, which I actually think is pretty cool, sounds like they took the vocal sample and threw it in a sample but looped the middle of the word; hence the long sustain. And then they set the voices to 1 and put the glide/portamento on and played the melody.
If you know how to slice up samples, it's not that hard. Just dump the sliced notes into a pattern, add some reverb, mess around with the pitches, and you pretty much have the first track's vocal samples.

Zosomagik hit the nail with the second track. I thought the portamento was awesome, made for a pretty interesting sound. Either way, just get comfortable with slicing samples and none of this will be that complicated. You can definitely do a lot more once you have that ability in hand.