USB Recorder for Maschine-PC


Sevron Daniel
I've seen the video where "tha bizness" is recording the live bass through an Apogee One into a Maschine and getting great quality, but I don't have a Mac and am looking for a competitive alternative for PC.

Any ideas for an USB recorder that can compare to that standard for PC?
You're talking about audio interfaces rather than "recorders" - the latter term is usually used for standalone devices. And you can't really record into the Maschine, you're recording it in the Maschine software on your computer and that's what these devices provide the capability for. You could look into something like the MOTU MicroBook or the Focusrite Forte. Btw, Apogee is one of the only ones nowadays that only cater for the Mac side of things, so pretty much every other manufacturer's devices will work with Windows.