Trouble changing pitch, setting tempo to match bars, mpc please/thanks!


New member
I'm new to the MPC but i have the basics down, and i can construct a song/mess with sequences/effects/trim samples/etc...i guess the main problem i'm running into is, when i find a sample from a record i want to use, and it's already how i want it without chopping it up, i just want to have it do i get it to match a 80-95BPM(rap song) & change the pitch? I'm not sure i'm asking the right question, and it's hard to put in words, but i'm just having trouble getting the loop/bars to match up to the samples i want to use you...i'm also having some trouble with the "stretch" i just find out what the original tempo of the sample was & change it to the new tempo, then pitch shift?? What's the right order of events? Any help would be much appreciated, thanks!
good thing about the mpc is that you have a mpc tap tempo button, too find your bpm. just listen to the sample and find the tempo in your head.