Well I'm up and running again now.
Bought a couple new hard drives - cloning the installed one on a weekly basis.
We're having a few bedtime issues with my toddler right now so I've got my laptop, Maschine, a couple boxes of 'select' vinyl and my portable turntable stashed behind the sofa as I can't get up to my attic (studio is up there) much.
Using my little Bluetooth guitar-amp/media player as a monitor - it has full range speakers but is a bit ghetto still.
So far I have a couple dozen throwaway beats, 4 finished (need to check mixes on my monitors) beats and working on 3 or 4 more.
Losing all the kits I built has been the real nightmare... I'm back to building drum sounds on the fly as I produce (and again - could really use my monitors for this!)