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What's a good synthesizer (VST) for someone just getiing into synths.

Looking to learn how to create my own sounnds from nothing.
Analogue synths=taking the power outlet into manipulatable sound, more complex the synth more sounds that can be made with it.
There is no truly bad synth also. It literally does not matter unless of course you plan on going very deep into the field.

Digital synths= same in everything but the computer is the soundsource being told to create a tone and such and such and such.
Program is just a graphical interface that is object oriented, involving the mouse to execute commands instead of typing in commands manually like

int create (sin); 350hz or something basically and most of them consist of just knobs and a mod matrix.
Long story short most of digital synths are graphically similar to hardware counterparts with few ones aren't like puredata and Csound while reaktor is hybrid.

Synthesis usual pattern is OSC>FILT>ENV.
OSC edited by anything liek automation/filters/modulation and the envelope/volume being the end result of shaping the sound that goes through the [tunnel] of processes to become a new sound.

Also, there are various types of synthesis.
granular[sample based]
phase mod
spectral[Can also be sample based]

TAL synthesizer would be a simple one.
But it would be a good idea to research synthesis and sound design.

There is also a strange little type of synthesis that strictly involves samples, called granular synthesis.
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The one I learned on was Sylenth1. Sylenth looks like an icecream sandwich and it's easy to navigate. It also sounds great.

Stay away from Synthmaster2. It's so tedious and hard to program with. Little pieces and bits type of a thing and its all one color.

Rapture if it suits you is decent to learn on. Zeta2 could do, it's on sale right now at

If you want free synths. Check out They have a bunch of cool ones already there. It looks like all the decent free stuff, if there is such a thing, But free stuff is hard to learn on.

Sylenth1 or Zeta2 is my recommendation. Both are hot synths out on the market. Zeta 2 is on sale for 60 dollars at plugin boutique and Sylenth1 runs in the 200 range more or less.

Have fun cuz Sylenth1 sure is fun to work with. Check out reviews at