Studio Rates


New member
Good afternoon patnas,

What are you guys paying these days? Hourly rates w/engineer? Blockout sessions?

My ideal studio: Chalice Studios ranges from $100-$300/hr w/o engineer. The engineers there are hired by contract only and set their own rates. When you call the first thing they ask is "are you from a label or independent?" Thought that was legit.

Anybody from the Los Angeles area that can post some links to some legit studios and their rates please?
Just type Los Angeles recording studios into google. A lot of LA studios I've seen don't advertise their rates. You have to call them.
Just type Los Angeles recording studios into google. A lot of LA studios I've seen don't advertise their rates. You have to call them.

Which is why I am asking you guys specifically. From your experience, what studios have you recorded at and what did they charge you?

I can google all day, but can get a better response from some of you that produce primarily hip hop.
Which is why I am asking you guys specifically. From your experience, what studios have you recorded at and what did they charge you?

I can google all day, but can get a better response from some of you that produce primarily hip hop.

I've been at this forum for months, can't recall anyone here that is from LA. Just about everyone here uses their home studio, so you're not gonna get your answer here.
And google would actually be better than here because you'll get a bigger lest of studios.
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I've been at this forum for months, can't recall anyone here that is from LA. Just about everyone here uses their home studio, so you're not gonna get your answer here.
And google would actually be better than here because you'll get a bigger lest of studios.

Really? wow
I've been at this forum for months, can't recall anyone here that is from LA. Just about everyone here uses their home studio, so you're not gonna get your answer here.
And google would actually be better than here because you'll get a bigger lest of studios.
Do u visit other sections of the site or just the gossip section? I could have sworn there are some west coast engineers in the mixing & recording section.:hmmm:
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Do u visit other sections of the site or just the gossip section? I could have sworn there are some west coast engineers in the mixing & recording section.:hmmm:

How many of them post in this section? Never seen anyone from LA in this section. And who says that they own their own professional studios? He was looking for a "legit" studio so by that I would assume he's not looking for a home studio.
Baker try this section
you're in the gossip section sir

yeah but most ppl here have their own project studios

some have more high end studio

but if I was can find a whole better lists of L.A. Studios through

you're on a producers site

gearslutz is a audio engineering site 99.9 of it anyway

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