Hi, I just posted this in the newbie producers section.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am building a new fast PC at the moment definatley a good enough spec to do what I want. Software wise.
The main hassle is the sound card.
Thats the part thats causing me headaches.
The way I am thinking at the momment is as follows:
I don't really think a card which has an on board synth
or anything like that would be too usefull as I rekon the
sounds wouldn't be probably any better than using a
software synth anyway so that would be a waste of money. --- Am I right about that?? And on board sounds, well I may as well buy a sample CD if I want
preset libraries --- Am I right about that??
I think the main thing that would be good would be
a card where each track in the track (you know what I mean) can be processed seperatley by the card and have different effects added to each of the channels seperatley and via hardware.
The ability to output each of the channels seperatley
would be good for future use of external mixer if I feel need one. But since I won't to start with I want a card where I can mixdown all the tracks with on board hardware compression on each of the tracks to output
to a stereo mix.... OR DO I NEED TO DO THAT???
Assuming I need a sound card to do this for me that
I was thinking of getting a Yamaha DSP factory as that seems to do everything I want. But yea, do I need to go to that extreme, has anyone used a Yamaha DSP to be able to tell me if the on-board compression and effects are any good?
Any help appreciated.
Any help would be appreciated.
I am building a new fast PC at the moment definatley a good enough spec to do what I want. Software wise.
The main hassle is the sound card.
Thats the part thats causing me headaches.
The way I am thinking at the momment is as follows:
I don't really think a card which has an on board synth
or anything like that would be too usefull as I rekon the
sounds wouldn't be probably any better than using a
software synth anyway so that would be a waste of money. --- Am I right about that?? And on board sounds, well I may as well buy a sample CD if I want
preset libraries --- Am I right about that??
I think the main thing that would be good would be
a card where each track in the track (you know what I mean) can be processed seperatley by the card and have different effects added to each of the channels seperatley and via hardware.
The ability to output each of the channels seperatley
would be good for future use of external mixer if I feel need one. But since I won't to start with I want a card where I can mixdown all the tracks with on board hardware compression on each of the tracks to output
to a stereo mix.... OR DO I NEED TO DO THAT???
Assuming I need a sound card to do this for me that
I was thinking of getting a Yamaha DSP factory as that seems to do everything I want. But yea, do I need to go to that extreme, has anyone used a Yamaha DSP to be able to tell me if the on-board compression and effects are any good?
Any help appreciated.