Should I produce under my real name


New member
I've been producing under the name Brandon Winger but for respect and seo purposes I'm thinking I should change it. The google results for "Brandon Winger" show my social media along with others including someone that died of cancer so I don't want to divert attention or disrespect those close to him. The only good sounding name I could think of is Yung Winger, some people I've talked to like my original name better though. I'm wondering from a legal and strangers perspective which name sound's more musical/smooth, I produce electronic & hip-hop beats. Any tips are appreciated!

create a brand and stick with it
- there are many artists with the same name and always have been
- it is about how you differentiate yourself from the others
- it may mean adding
-- adjectives or
-- titles or
-- verbs or
-- mis-spellings
to your name
Don't you have a nickname your friends used to call you when you were still young? Play around with that nickname. I think it's best to ask the people you know to give you a name coz it can be a challenge to come up with good names these days as most are already taken.

At the same time you need something that is unique and easy to remember. Using words like Yung can confuse other people in terms of spelling. And there's nothing wrong with using your real name, I would go with that.