setting up questions...

  • Thread starter Thread starter sorridsky
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a couple of things...
should i either set-up my stuff like this:
mixer into sound card... power amp/monitors out from the sound card..
or ...
have the mixer into the soundcard and then the line out into the mixer, and run the power amp/monitors out of the mixer...

also becuase my SB live 5.1 platinum can only record off one input at a time.. i was wondering if i could use a double jack to RCA lead.. with the left and right jacks in the AUX 1 and 2.. from the mixer then run the RCA into the sound and record the left and right as seperate mono tracks in cubase?.... or is there any other way or recording 2 tracks at the same time?

and the other thing.. why when i record from my mixer.. say playing guitar or mic or decks etc.. does it only record on the left channel?? i have the decks into an actual stereo channel and it still does it....

cheers i have some questions about the leads involved, but I'll post that once i get answer!
cheers guys
sorridsky said:
a couple of things...
should i either set-up my stuff like this:
mixer into sound card... power amp/monitors out from the sound card..
or ...
have the mixer into the soundcard and then the line out into the mixer, and run the power amp/monitors out of the mixer...
I'm no audio engineer, but mixer-out to soundcard-in plus soundcard-out to mixer-in reminds me of plugging a mic into an amp'd speaker and pointing the mic at the speaker. . .but I could be wrong.

is this a dj-esque 2-channel mixer or a multi-channel midi-esque mixer?

If I were you, I would send the audio from the computer straight to the amp/monitors, so you have a more accurate representation of the audio your computer is receiving from your mixer.
got it relativly sorted thanks..
the mixer is an folio 18/2. everyone says take the line out into a stereo in on the mixer.. then use the AUX sends to the computer so i can listen back to the sound from the computer and hear live instruments over the top before i record them.
the only thing Im confused about.. do i need to put the soundcard out in a stereo (double jack in) or will a single jack in do, becuase a single jack can send a stereo signal.. but when ever i try and record from a stereo signal into the computer it only records on the left channel. SOO confused about that!!!
feedback loop

If any of the output from the computer gets fed back into the computer by way of the Aux bus you will get nasty feedback. (hence the name) Just make sure you always keep the aux send trim for the computer's mixer channel turned right off, or you'll wind up with blood pouring out of your ears.

As far as your stereo problems, I don't have the platinum, but my plain old SB Live records both channels (ie Left/Right Line) at once. I use a basic gold plated RCA pair to stereo 1/8th inch (mini headphone) adapter and everything works like a dream. If you're using two AUX channels you should make sure that whatever you're trying to record has both it's send pots turned up, and bear in mind that each send is probably summing the stereo channels into one mono signal (unless you have a stereo aux bus, which is rare, but not impossible) which makes you lose the stereo imaging of whatever you're playing back.

In my experience, your best bet is to do as PopD suggests and go Mixer -> Soundcard -> Amp when recording. If you're just playing around, run Soundcard -> Mixer -> Amp, cause you won't be subject to noise due to the soundcard, or having your tunes cut out cause the computer crashed. Another thing you might want to look at is if you have insert points on any of the mixer channels (probably the mono ones). They're basically like a MIDI Thru port for your audio data, and are really handy when you're jamming with a singer/guitar player/whatever and want to record their entire take by itself to the computer, while jamming along with them. Plug the mic into the mixer channel, run a cable from the insert jack to the mic in on your soundcard, hit record and tear it up.
thanks mate!
i would like to get stereo sound into the computer.. but doesnt cubase only record mono anyway?.
to get stereo in.. I'd have to take a double jack from the MIX outs into the RCA on the soundcard.. but then i wouldnt be able to have the computer comming back through the mixer and into the amp, and play along becuase.. like you said without using the AUX out (with the pots down) i would get a feedback loop.
but the only stereo instrument i have is the decks, and recording them as mono wont make that big a difference i hope.
I'm pretty sure cubase'll record in stereo. If it can record multiple tracks at a time with an audio interface like the event layla, I'm sure it'd have no problems with plain old SB live. You might need to set the track your working on to stereo recording though, cause it probably defaults to mono.