Sequencing ASR-10 samples in MPC2000xl



Ok I usually chop samples in the asr and midi into mpc to sequence. I play the sequence on the keys of the asr but I want to trigger the sample on the MPC pad which can be done but the samples are super randomly spread thru th MPC pads how can put all the chops in the order I want thru out the pads
Are you recording it with a midi track? If so I don't think there's anything you can do, unless you can change the key of each pad in the settings. I have a 1000 and have a Chromatic PGM saved to solve your problem, but it only works for drums track, although I haven't tried it on midi cause I got no need to.. Check out MPC Editor I'm pretty sure that's for the 2000xl and see if you can make the pads chromatic, if not find the Other settings on your MP and you might be able to change it. It don't let me on mine, it just shows what notes are which pad. Hope I helped..
Hook up 2 midi cables hand shake mode and plus both the MPC and ASR into your mixer.
Go to Sys midi on the ASR and put it into Multi Mode

Now your ASR tracks 1-8 will be midi channel 1-8 on the MPC main screen.