Sennheiser HD8 Headphones for DJ's and Production?


New member
I have a pair of Sennheiser HD8 headphones. Apparently they're built for DJ's, so I was wondering if anyone knew if they were good for production as well?

I'm considering selling them to Guitar Center in order to get headphones meant for production.
Uh...yo that's a frequency chart/open and closed back/sound space question not one about whether dj headphones are studio headphones.
A dj is a live performer whioe a beatmaker makes beats, so headphone is a headphone man lmao.
I know but I've read that some headphones are better for doing dj performances while others are primarily for producing.
Noise canceling feature
Swiveling cups feature

Sound quality varies between all phones but dj headphones are usually way more flexed out.
Some studio phones can do that swivel stuff I have a few non dj phones that do, but in general yah that's the difference.