RJD2 on file sharing


Active member
Hello Sir,

what is your opinion on file sharing and the future of the music industry, (not the record industry) how is it affecting you and your cohorts like Def Jux?

Also, what brings you to Future Producers?
i have the steve albini opinion: its like the weather. im just an innocent bystander. on one side, file sharing seems to be a great way for people to get informed about artists. this boosts things like show attendance.

on the other side, record sales are declining every year. as someone who runs his own label, this is dismaying. i dont want to be tied to touring as my sole means of making a living. so its a multi-faceted issue with no clear cut right or wrong.

FP-just stumbled across it, i guess.
i feel you on the file sharing i think it both helps and hurts, although people downloading music helps getting an independant act known i believe that hurts sales because people are getting the same product free of charge.
so the best thing to do is diversify, correct? meaning producers shouldnt be confined to album placements but spread their branches to other sources of income such as commercials etc.... but an artist not sure what they should do

welcome to fp!
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What kills me is just this morning, someone posted Inversions of the Colossus up for free download. I refuse to download it. Then I come to FP (haven't been on in a bit) and see this. How's about that.
First of all sorry for my bad english.
Then i want to say that im a huge rjd2 fan he is the best.
Now the question:
And what do you think about how the "live" aspect of music reacted to the spreading of internet on our lives?

I mean: i think that back in time, when Myspace or facebook didnt exist, there were alot more people in concert, live, jams etc.
Now that we have so many way to sponsor events, less people join.
What do you think? big respect
What kills me is just this morning, someone posted Inversions of the Colossus up for free download. I refuse to download it. Then I come to FP (haven't been on in a bit) and see this. How's about that.

ha-thanks, man. ive realized at this point that people are gonna do what theyre gonna do. cest la vie.

the bigger issue for me is that when music is free, im much less inclined to try to get something out of it.
the bigger issue for me is that when music is free, im much less inclined to try to get something out of it.

I agree with this. For me, downloading the music or buying the record is just the first step and its what happens next which is important, that's when you start to get more out of it.

one download doesn't = 1 sale.

for me, an RJD2 download = a dozen 70s record sales :)

It's especially relevant for me and maybe this site that RJD2 records inspire us to create. Sometimes I worry that I don't have a lot of modern music on vinyl though.

It's part of the starving artist curse, we get the most of hearing as much music as possible, so it's hard not to make that first move.

I really want to buy funcrusher remaster on vinyl but I need to stock up on noodles and drum breaks :banghead: