I'm having coffee with Rihanna tomorrow so I'll be able to confirm.

What I wanna know is how did Jay know the market was going to crash?
Since when does he work in Wall Street?
I'm gonna have to say,

I would bone Tiffany And Riri and then watch them mud wrestle after I'm done..
Rihanna is garbage... Russian roulette is EMO garbage... Disturbia and now this..... Trying to merge goth/emo shyt with pop and rnb into this frankenstein sound...... Hell they make songs for all the teeny bopper girls to dance and slut out to may aswell add suicidal thoughts to the mix.....
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Rihanna is garbage... Russian roulette is EMO garbage... Disturbia and now this..... Trying to merge goth/emo shyt with pop and rnb into this frankenstein sound...... Hell they make songs for all the teeny bopper girls to dance and slut out to may aswell add suicidal thoughts to the mix.....


Good girl- check
Slut- check
Suicide- check

What's next?
Make them a "slave for you"
So they realise its "too late to pick up the value of my life"
because of course "its good to live expensive cuz thats money honey" - check
Deranged where you at??!?!?!

This is someone new in the industry, this not griff lol.
I've been part of indie CDs and mixtapes that sold 10x the ammount of Tiffany Evans release, Fact. I don't get to say sh*t like that about many famous artists. You guys need to figure out what "in the industry" means.

I don't know Tiffany Evans or her standpoint to release such a statement, maybe you should ask some of the FP members who have her contact on speeddial.

Wording is a funny thing. I honestly think the girl is more confused on the matter than not. But since you guys think I'm some sort of opposition....I do not know Rihanna. I do know people who been around her who says she's off. I do know she didn't write this song.

I do know J. prince. I did know Pimp C. I do know Irv Gotti. I do know conspiracy theories surrounding them are bullsh*t.

I do know Game. i told y'all he was a stripper fake blood half a decade ago. 50 Cent just now disclosing it in interviews. I told you where he worked and that his hair was blonde back then. I ain't in the business of hiding or covering sh*t. If I was, I would've just closed every thread ever made on a conspiracy.

Y'all make me out to be the guy with all the answers. I answer with what I know. I'm willing to bet Tiffany Evans knows alot less about what she's speaking on and is bitter because with a Darkchild beat as well as a Bow Wow and Ciara feature she still is out the game. I'm sure it's easier for her to blame other things than accept that, especially with propoganda pushers who can put it in her mind that's what it is.

Now how f**ked up of a person is she for knowing all that but trying to hang out with these mofos every chance she gets? Seems to me like she'd get as far away as she could, no? Just observations, I don't know her or Rihanna to comment on this one, and wouldn't be surprised if Rihanna was into voodoo to the least. But to keep it politically correct, she never once said Rihanna was indeed satanic, she hinted at it like she'd rather get a call from Rihanna to hang out than to actually expose sh*t. :cheers:
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Her Recant...
I know that neyo wrote Russion roulette….Neyo is an amazing songwriter…and Rihanna is dope.I get the gist of the song,but alot of ppl wont take it how I take it.Alot of people are really suicidal right now.And that could possibly provoke ppl to do things.But I think the song is dope personally.I never said Rihanna was a devil worshipper. Dont twist my words.Please and Thank you.I love Rihanna and Neyo,

If I thought it I woudn't recant. I've said Game made 11 mill in one year so I'm sure I'm so far off his radar theres no reason for me to ever speak on him again. Never Recated a word i said...cause it's the truth.

So Tiffany Evans is a liar. Either then or now, a liar either way. :cheers:
In other news, today I was certified a goon!


It was a 4 year course, but worth it in the end.
^ Were you taught by Professor Algernod Plies? Did he have a course on E-Goonership? What about Wearing fitted caps to hide the over-sized head/withering hairline 101? Or does Professor Ne-Yo teach that course?
^^^That's cause you brainwashed, son. You should be spending every second of every day thinking about satan overthrowing the world. Not hot...waxed...big breasted...brazillian....women...

BRB(logs off to google for images).
^ Were you taught by Professor Algernod Plies? Did he have a course on E-Goonership? What about Wearing fitted caps to hide the over-sized head/withering hairline 101? Or does Professor Ne-Yo teach that course?

Yeah Plies is the President of the university.
There were various units in the course such as:

-Pants Sagging Principles
-Goon Technology
-Goon Concepts
-Fundamentals of Goonery

Got my certifiate too!

^^^^^^ Yeah dont waste your time thinking about the devil man, cuz you know what they say. if you dont think about it it isnt really there right?......
Shyt theres so much more important things to think about like titties, clothes, fancy cars and getting that cash money. Besides music promoting that type of materialism is a conspiracy... Your crazy if you think otherwise..

Anyone that tries to convince you the opposite is trying to brainwash you into forgetting those very important things....They are the meaning of life.

Dont believe the lies about there being evil in the world.
Evil is a conspiracy.
The devil is a conspiracy.
Good is a conspiracy.
God is a conspiracy.
hate is a conspiracy.
Love is a conspiracy.
Greed is a conspiracy.
Famine is a conspiracy.
Obesity is a conspiracy.
Poverty is a conspiracy.
The rich is a conspiracy.
Pollution is a conspiracy.
Disease is a conspiracy.
Needing to Care for each other is a conspiracy.
Seeking the truth is a conspiracy.
Haveing responsiblity for our actions and future is a conspiracy.

Its all a lie.....They are just trying to keep you from seeing the truth. that everything is fine and dandy.... All is well.....everything is as it should be....

^A army of dick riding fags
(had to say it in words you would understand troll
because logic would overpower your simple mind)

wait for it........
^^^Why was that even necessary?

Y'all getting ridiculous with the E-Beefs. It's just the net. i'm gonna have to start banning y'all if you can't have simple convos without turning everything into an E-Gument.

Debating is cool, but all this name calling and sh*t talking is for the birds. Let's get it together please.