New member
saw the NPR interview, and just wanted to ask about your process for blending samples so perfectly...what do you use?
I think he means that you achieve a good mix by recording it the right way in the first place, not fixing the problems in the mix later on. If turd is coming in then a polished turd will come out, just a little less shittier sounding =)
Since it's samples you obviously don't record them yourself so you just have go through loads of them and pick the ones that suits your track.
Was that kind of what you meant or am I wrong? If so, fill us in! Thanks for taking your time!
that's exactly it. for every sample that winds up in a song, i have tried or passed on another 2-20 samples in its place. the hardest thing i ever had to learn was how to have a "criteria" for what i would and wouldnt put in a song. by far.