noisy pc

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obviously the best way to cure the fan buzz from picking up on the mic is put the computer in a seprate room but if you dont have that option then what?make the thing as quiet as possible. heres what ive done so far:

Antec silent case
fan set on permanant low
i lined the case with'spire' accoustic padding
my cpu fan is 'hyper 48' copper ultra silent fan by cooler masters(holy crap, its dead silent)

right now the only thing still picking up is the damn exausht fan in the back, its the stock one that antec put in this so called 'silent' case, any suggestions on a lower frequency fan, i know yall have to of run into this at one point. lemme know whatchu think, the fan now i have is hummin at atleast 22-23db
if u know of lower ones help me out! please...thanks
[email][/email] said:
Antec silent case
i lined the case with'spire' accoustic padding
Both of these have little to no chance of making the computer quieter, in many examples it actually makes it louder!

For the ultimate in silence look for a very heavy steel case and put it up on some concrete blocks.
sounds a bit extreme...but im open for any ideas. mainly im just looking for a quieter back fan, when i unplug the fan i cant hear a thing. its the only thing im pickin up. thanks tho.
Truthfully, 22-23 decibels is about the lowest you will go (audibly) trust me..

What is the size of the fan, 60mm or 80mm...or larger?
Does the fan have manual speed control?
If not you may want to consider a fan that
has it.

Explain the other fans installed in your system, you could probably remove your back fan and replace it or mount fans in other places within your case to create good air flow. I wouldn't advise removal
of a back fan (if used as exhaust) so you
should try a larger fan if possible.

Larger fans move at a lower velocity and create less noise..but 22-23db is very low to begin with.

One more thing, can you feel warm air being emitted from the back of the PC when you are using your system at full load? If not...the fan may not be as effective as removing air as you would want it to be anyways.

Hope this helps.
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its 120mm, ive been advised by a few computer techs to not go any smaller since its my only means of airflow in my PC. ive been looking and looking and the quietest one ive found at that size is 20db, i could kick it dwn to 12db if i switched to a 92mm fan but i think i may be comprimissing my cool. its the only case fan im running. im just wondering what other producers are using. what do you have in yours?
Whats a case fan? Cant say I have any of those :P

A well designed computer doesnt need them.
[email][/email] said:
its 120mm, ive been advised by a few computer techs to not go any smaller since its my only means of airflow in my PC. ive been looking and looking and the quietest one ive found at that size is 20db, i could kick it dwn to 12db if i switched to a 92mm fan but i think i may be comprimissing my cool. its the only case fan im running. im just wondering what other producers are using. what do you have in yours?

I use two 80mm fans and they run about 25DB. I have one blowing out of the top of the PC and one in the back blowing out.
Does your pc run hot? What kind of processor do you have? I run an AMD Sempron 2400+ overclocked to 2.2GHZ, but my CPU gets no hotter than 50C at a full load.
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Heres my whole setup:

3.2 Prescott P4

Coolermasters Copper Heatsink CPU fan, designed for 3.6 and above. That fan runs at 18db and i dont hear a peep from it.My cpu temps stay way down and im getting a very nice performance level from it.

The only reason im still running the 120mm fan is because the vga and soundcard get way hot. and its the only thing to keep a airflow in my PC.

And Mungo...thats crazy.i dont know how your using a steel case with no fans, thats insane.i wanna see some pics of your computer.

anyways, is there a way i can eliminate having that fan because that would be ideal.

Thanks guys.
Trust me here, take out the acoustic foam. Its only thermally insulating your case and doesnt reduce the noise.
[email][/email] said:
And Mungo...thats crazy.i dont know how your using a steel case with no fans, thats insane.i wanna see some pics of your computer.

anyways, is there a way i can eliminate having that fan because that would be ideal.

Thanks guys.

I took my case fan out too! When I first did it I kept feeling the PSU fan breeze to see if it was getting warmer, and it didnt, I also figured that the vacuum of the PSU fan would suck air into the case via the front and rear vent, hence circulating fresh air into the system.

What I want to do now is see if I can get some exhaust tube to go from the CPU fan to the rear vent (I have seen these in Dell's) so any heat expelled from the CPU and heat sync would exit the case completely instead of lingering around.

Also I changed my CPU fan, the first one was super loud and you heard it buzzing from the next room. The new one was exterely quiet but its missing the sensor wire. No problem the BIOS still monitors the CPU temp so I have it set to shut down if it exceeds around 145F, Pentiums can handle a max temp of 160F (so intel says).
rox, ok, you use cubase im assuming, what happens when your running a bunch of "hoggish" vsts like sytrus and edirol ect. simotaneusly, have u ever had your cpu hit 145 and shut down on you? thats scary. and as for the venting tube from the cpu fan, thats a kick a$$ idea that will eliminate alot of the warm air inside the case, i never really thought about that. Do you have a link to where you saw that?

thanks for all of your input.
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[email][/email] said:
rox, ok, you use cubase im assuming, what happens when your running a bunch of "hoggish" vsts like sytrus and edirol ect. simotaneusly, have u ever had your cpu hit 145 and shut down on you? thats scary.

I never went to 145F even under a bunch of effects running on "hoggish" VST's either. I start projects in MIDI format and once the foundation (or if the CPU starts being sluggish) I would render the MIDI tracks into audio. I have a super fast SCSI drive for audio only and that never bogs down. The only thing that would bog the CPU down then would be effects, and I dont really have a problem with that either. My computer is 4 years old. Win XP with a 1.3Ghz P4 w/256 Rambus memory on a MSI 850i motherboard (intel chipset).

and as for the venting tube from the cpu fan, thats a kick a$$ idea that will eliminate alot of the warm air inside the case, i never really thought about that. Do you have a link to where you saw that?

thanks for all of your input.

I dont remember seeing it on any web sites. I remember opening up a Dell and seeing some box configuration mounted on the CPU heat sync and it was also attached to the rear vent. So I assumed it was some sort of heat transfer tube. If that wasnt what I thought it was I was gonna try to fabricate one with some flex hose (about 80mm) and 2 - 60mm to 80mm fan adapters (the rear vent and my CPU fan are 60mm). I have to look into and see if i can somehow attach the flexhose to the adapters.

Its called a duct and/or blowhole.

Hit Google to see some pics of DIY jobs.
its a dubious measurement, also remember that most of the noise of a good fan is the air moving around corners so a raw measurement of a fan has little to no relation to the noise it makes once installed.
yeah today i was talkin to someone else about it and they said its more the wind tunnle that the fan creates thats making the noise. they suggest getting foam inserts and stuffing them in the empty places inside the case to reduce the size of the 'tunnle' thus creating less of a wooshing sound.
welp i got the fans and a bunch of foam inserts to fill balnk voids like on my hard drive rack and empty drive spaces, then i got a hard drive sound deadener and now my $hit is so quiet im sitting 2 feet from it and i can hear my monitor screens over it. i would suggest these fans to any noise freak out there. thanks for everyones input, i can finally work in peace....

I havent had time to look into the things we are discussing yet. Since my PC is kinda quiet now as is, there is no need for me to go crazy over it now.

But I am going to look into the stuff you bought if things seem to be noisy again for some reason.