New Studio Pictures

Kane: click on "Special Formatting" on the left-hand side of the window after you clicked on "Reply", which gives you help, or simply type somehting like this

[ img][/img]

after you've uploaded your picture to a web server.
Here's my set up and thanks to all that showed me how to post my picture.

THM said:
Nice setup & nicely done (the photo fx) !!

Thanks THM - Can't takw credit for the photo fix - Adobe's got to take the hit on that one.

Going to try and get one with better perspective soon. (And maybe me in it too...)


BThrowd said:
Damm how the hell yall afford all this??? I needa raise

Satisfied return clients....Thanks to my clients for your business..
Hatembr, I changed the URL into an IMG tag but that didn't seem to help. There's something wrong with the FP server I think - I'll let this know to Mano 1.
it is weird because the pic is displayed when i just post the reply, then it is not visible anymore...
mmhh this is not related to the databases actually

the image host probably does not allow direct inserting/linking of images. It iscommon (they try to save bandwidth)

[ note from THM ]

you can see the pic by copying the URL into a new Internet Explorer window