New FP Feedback & Bugs Reporting Thread!

-that bigger "reply to thread" does not work at all. (ok, seems to work occasionally)
-white background at a time when energysaving is a megatrend is a FAIL.
-old youtube-tags do not work at all, it's just stupid.
-i can't edit my older posts, that's silly
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The redesign was much needed. The new white background wears on my eyes quite a bit. It would be good if as a member you could select a darker skin if you liked.
i dont like white. and the new layout looks cluttered. The good thing about a non white background was it was eco friendly. It takes alot more power to run a site from a computer that has white backgrounds, and we do have a lot of users here. I just dont wanna be punched in the face everytime i come here. But change is good :D
We fixed the YT tags, so now the old ones work. And also successive post merges now work.

As for the design issue, we decided that it is best to offer different skin options for users to choose from, as everyone likes different things....
The problem with the black version is that you can't see what's written in the quote bubbles unless you highlight them. A dark version of the quote bubbles or a black text in the current ones would be great. Also, the quick reply box is a little hard on the eyes in the black skin. I'll say the same across the board about the many white-light gray borders and boxes on the site. The contrast with the black background is a little annoying to scroll through and look at in general. Other than that I like the changes you've made so far.
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Cant see embedded youtube videos in on ipad anymore :-(

Cant even see the link where its located or anything.
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The problem with the black version is that you can't see what's written in the quote bubbles unless you highlight them. A dark version of the quote bubbles or a black text in the current ones would be great. Also, the quick reply box is a little hard on the eyes in the black skin. I'll say the same across the board about the many white-light gray borders and boxes on the site. The contrast with the black background is a little annoying to scroll through and look at in general. Other than that I like the changes you've made so far.

Its more than just the quote bubbles, it is all menus. Every interactive menu I have come across has the light-grey on grey issue. Also having white menus in the middle of a black background is killer on the eyes, can the menus in the black version just be made black too, maybe just give them a thicker boarder for differentiating between them and the other frames?

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Can I ask why users can't upload or attach mp3 files to their posts in order users being able to listen to the mp3 attached and uploaded!?

I'm a forum member of other music forums and that is possible. It's a way people post their songs, mixes, recording material and other stuff to be discuss and get some feedback...
Its because of the legality of it. Most everyone on this site samples or uses samples so it would make sense the song we would post here that we have made would have samples from other peoples records in them which is illegal and can get the person/organization whom are responsible for the website in trouble, at the very least the site could be shut down.

I'm guessing another reason is that mp3s are decent sized files, with the number of users here you can imagine how much space on the websites servers would get taken up with the hosting of these mp3, not to mention the drastic increase in traffic due to people downloading or listening to the songs.

Just use like the rest of us ^^
Is it possible that my profile can be fixed?

This is the profile url and ID i should have and did have is

But instead I get this ID which is in the about me section.
I have tried just changing the info, but I go to save changes and look again nothing changes.
the 103004 wont work, instead it fowards me to so im getting nowhere.

this is the cache from google.
Future Producers - View Profile: THA-REAPER

Just look at the threads and the posts, its quite obvious that's not me.