*New Beat - Undeniable* Prod. By - @NeimanTyler 100% Feedback

this is a really well crafted song man props, everything flows so nicely with each other and it has such a full sound to it
I love the direction you were going for.
I felt that you went to overboard with the orchestral arrangement.
That snare was not a good sound to use, it was too dead.
Just small things but overall it was dope
Hey. Cools synth sounds. This sounds like movie music. I'm not a fan of the second snare sound. But other than that nice work. Definitely sounds like theme music.
Great simplicity of your tracks. Did you use any samples in this track. I kinda reminds of the sound from the Scarface outro song lol


Eh needs more of a mix, this is pretty subpar. Your strings are dull, the snare is awful. Learn to EQ and keep grinding...
Nice beat, I always like piano/orchestral beats. It's nice, I don't see anything to change but I have an idea on what might sound good on it: little notes here in there on the piano in the higher notes might sound good as you're only playing the left hand and there's space for stuff to be happening in the higher notes. Cheers
this is pretty clean. i dig the chords a lot, very epic sounding. the drums could be a little "sharper" sounding but otherwise this is solid.