Need feedback on guitar tracks. Please comment! first song.


New member
Hey guys! My brother and I both play guitar so we wrote a song, and roughly recorded it with what we had available at the time.
It's just currently guitar tracked, nothing else, the drums, vocals and bass and pending to be recorded at the moment. We're looking to write 10 more, and enter the local music scene. It's our first song we've wrote ever, so there will be changes and such but this is pretty much the backbone of the song.

So just as it stands now I would like some feedback, constructive criticism, anything really.

Appreciate it!
You guys can play. However, no one is really going to give you constructive criticism on a guitar track that is panned hard left with nothing else going on.
Reminds me a lot of old-school Slayer and Pantera. Do you guys have a vocalists or any other members to your band? You have good tone, at least. What amps are you guys using? If you're interested, I'm pretty good at programming drums and playing bass, so if you're interested in doing some long-distance project work, I'll hook you up for free. I just love doing it. My only feedback is that you're clipping a lot (i.e. Recording at too high volumes). If you EVER see your meters go into the red, you're clipping. On analog equipment, it makes a nice, warm distortion. On digital equipment, it sounds like a bunch of nasty clicks and pops, as in your soundcloud posts. Remember: You can record VERY quietly in digital and bring the volume up without noise. If you're interested in collaborating, just record yourselves, preferably on separate channels, to a click track and tell me what tempo you're in, and what tuning you use (I suspect its drop D, down one whole step to C, right?) I'll write the drums and bass, produce them, and send them to you via the internet, then you guys record over them and BOOM! Complete tracks!
A wall of guitar sound in mono panned fully to the side? That ain´t a song bro.
Just listened to all 7 songs on SC and they are all just guitar shredding. No way I could listen through those songs.
Gotta post some more tracks to that guitar.

You obvi knows how to shred.
Keep it up!
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